The Birth of a Secret CIA Death Squad Commandeered by the White House
Nixon’s Jackals: The Birth of a Secret Domestic CIA Death Squad Commandeered by the White House By Alex Constantine On December 22, 1974, the New York T
Beware the Zombie Drug
"... Nazi 'angel of death' Josef Mengele used scopolamine in interrogations as a kind of truth serum. The CIA administered doses of the drug during its co
‘Mind Control Propaganda’ Exposed in UEA Lecture by Heather Brooke
This announcement comes a bit late, but I've attached links to articles by Heather Brooke on government secrecy in the United Kingdom and the media for
Richmond Homemaker was Innocent Victim of CIA Brainwashing Experiments
Fifty years ago Richmond homemaker Gina Blasbalg was a victim of physical and psychological torture and unethical experiments. As a teen she was part of a
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks (Times Books, 1979)
John Hinckley, Jr. would-be assassin of President Ronald Reagan, hailed from a Texas oil family on intimate terms with the George W. Bush clan. John Hickle
Attorneys for RFK Convicted Killer Sirhan Push 'Second Gunman' Argument
By Michael Martinez and Brad Johnson CNN, March 5, 2012 Los Angeles (CNN) -- If there was a second gunman in Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, who wa
Henry Luce, Time Inc., and “The American Century” (Book Review)
Editor's caveat: Henry Luce was an American fascist from the Hitler-financing Morgan syndicate, and after the creation of the CIA in 1947, a ranking Oper
Nanoparticles Allow Remote Control of Cells
Simon Hadlington | Chemistry World | 27 June 2010 In an experiment reminiscent of the mind-control rays that featured prominently in B-movies from the 195
ONI-Funded Pulsed Microwave Brain Research (“Synthetic Telepathy”) Peer-Reviewed Journal Bibliography
From: (b) Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol Subject: Re: Electronic Telephathy Date: 26 Dec 1996 There has been much discussion of
Ethics Complaints Filed Against Elizabeth Loftus, Board Member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a CIA Mind Control/Pedophile Front
Re the fraudulent "false memories of child abuse" bromides of anti-child propagandist Elizabeth Loftus: " ... Jennifer Hoult (a concert harpist living i
Secret LSD Experiment in 1951 Drove Entire French Village Mad
" ... At least five people in the southern French village died and dozens were locked up in asylums ,.. " French insanity blamed on LSD | 3-11-1
Thousands of Vets Used in Nazi/Military Human Experiments Seek Justice
Justice, is it a Word Veterans get in their Lives? By Mike Bailey Veterans' Today, January 25, 2010 ... I have been told by a VA psyhicatrist that I
just happened on this site and read this article with at first shock then total is a damn shame that in doing this story you lazily used richard rodriguez picture the essayist,writer that has squat to do with your story. shame on you.
Just ordered a copy of your new book and look forward to reading it.
Very relevant in these times of crypto-nazis like Donald Trump.
Keep fighting the good fight.
No word from F@cks news on that rendition plane that crashed in mexico with four tons of cocaine on board after being not allowed to land to refuel.
The dang yuppie buzzards always circle for the kill on any good anti-poverty project that tells the truth.