Terrorists far more sinister than ISIS burned tens of thousands alive with Napalm in Vietnam

Alex ConstantineFounder, Constantine Report
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The Afghan WarRecommended Content
The Afghan WarRecommended Content
American Atrocities in Afghanistan

by Stephen Lendman | Baltimore Chronicle | 6 April 2010 ... After General Stanley McChrystal took charge of US/NATO Afghan forces last June, systematic atr

The Afghan War Archive

A Neo-Nazi Medic in Afghanistan

" ... [A] picture shows him surrounded by Afghans he refers to as 'my nignogs' with a friend adding the comment 'it's lovely to see a white man back in con

Conservatives who obsess about the threat of Muslim extremism are usually mute as regards the murderous chaos instigated by far-right extremists.

Alex Constantine
Founder, Constantine Report

American Atrocities in Afghanistan

by Stephen Lendman | Baltimore Chronicle | 6 April 2010 ... After General Stanley McChrystal took charge of US/NATO Afghan forces last June, systematic atr
  • Comments

    Yep.........as I suspected before, white supremacists corrupting the military of their country isn't just a U.S. or Germany issue; in fact, who knows how many more nations are ALSO having these problems?

    They were also cited for cocaine and child trafficking in december 2002 multinational monitor magazine; one of ten worst multinational corporations.

    "...there is no such thing as a good war...
    Amen to that

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