"The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." -- Stephen Hawking Goal of new IARPA program is to bolster machin
The following interview with Dorothy Burdick, author of Such Things Are Known (excerpts follow the interview), was taped on September 16, 1995. Ms Burdi
There had been an ongoing controversy over health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) for years (e.g., extremely low frequency radiation and the Navy's
The following interview with Dorothy Burdick, author of Such Things Are Known (excerpts follow the interview), was taped on September 16, 1995. Ms Burdick
Related: "Hearing 'Voices': The Hidden History of the CIA’s Electromagnetic Mind-Control Experiments" By Clay Dillow Popular Science website, September
" ... Bruce Schneier, author of Secrets and Lies and other books on security technology, criticized the DARPA idea as 'un-American' and a police state plo
A closer look at the famous post-Watergate investigation into domestic spying abuses and how it led to a secret court to authorize surveillance requests. B
Ubergizmo | September 9, 2010 The U.S. military wants to tap into its troops' brains to raise alertness, reduce pain, and improve psychiatric well-being. S
Military-Industrial biographical note: On board of General Motors – a SAM holding [Southern Asset Management: financed the controversial Path to 9/11 pro
By Lewis Page | The Register | May 2010 Our old friends at DARPA - the US military research bureau - have broached another intriguing and mildy upsetting s
'Antipodes raid' hyper-smartmissiles sought By Lewis Page | The Register | 22nd April 2010 The US military appears to have temporarily given up on exotic s
By Katie Drummond Wired | February 5, 2010 The Pentagon’s mad science arm may have come up with its most radical project yet. Darpa is looking to re-wr
BigDog has been developed by Boston Dynamics - a robotics company - in response to a request by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to carry sold
Excerpt: "Wired for War: the future of military robots," by P. W. Singer, Wired, 28 August 2009 Astro-bots go to war If space is to become a new potentia
The dystopian British sci-fi film 28 Days Later opens with animal rights activists breaking into the Cambridge Primate Research facility to free chimpanzee
Edited by Alex ConstantineFrom Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II, by Jennet Conant