The accuracy of Elizabeth Loftus' research and its ethics have been critiqued by several people over the last two decades. Below is a brief synopsis of som
Re the fraudulent "false memories of child abuse" bromides of anti-child propagandist Elizabeth Loftus: " ... Jennifer Hoult (a concert harpist living i
"Johns," in a harsh review of one of my books posted at Amazon site (he gave it one star ... as opposed to the five stars he gave to The Psychic Encyclop
In which Loftus, a veteran advisory board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation celebrated by the media for debunking ritual abuse and mind contro
By Alex ConstantineI've written the Minneapolis Star-Tribune threatening a class action lawsuit, one that I think can be won easily enough (I have boxes of
From: "BBC Attack Piece Promotes Cottage Industry Of Debunkers" By Steve Watson ... In a feature article today, the [BBC] is promoting a group of "scienti
Also see: "Ritual Abuse" I first publshed this in 1994. Some details have changed with the passage of time, eg. MKULTRA's Martin Orne, an advisory board m
Jennifer Love Hewitt Introduction to the Case: "San Diego, California - On November 26, 2002, Diana Napolis, an ex-child abuse investigator, researcher,
James Randi The following letter is from my old research partner Richard "Cloudrider" Farley, a humble country reporter who investigated CIA mind control
Dr. Pankratz is an advisory board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a CIA front that discredits victims of ritual abuse and mind control. In
I recently became interested in this neuroscientist, Dr. Eric Kandel at Columbia University, whose research on the biology of memory debunks the oily rheto
Also see Janja Lalich [a close collaborator of MKULTRA mind control specialist Margaret Singer, a leading light of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a
The attached was penned by Diana Napolis, a highly-competent child abuse investigator for the San Diego court system who was, via classified electronic min
" ... With practice, people can learn to suppress emotional memories ... " The False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) has propogated the belief that memo