The American eugenics movement after World War II By Jeff Begos (Excerpt) Dr. Clarence Gamble never had to work a day in his life, wrote an appalling poem
Charles Davenport was a renowned and influential scientist. He was also a "racial purist" who inspired the Nazis BY PAUL MARTIN Excerpt from “Villains,
The eugenicist sympathies of IVF pioneer Robert Edwards The 2010 Nobel Prize in medicine for British IVF pioneer Robert Edwards was one of the Nobel commi
" ... One of my emphases has always been the antecedents of the Nazi Holocaust. In other words, how did they get there? Who financed it? Who helped? And f
“... Beginning in 1924, Virginia, to its disgrace, provided a model for Nazi eugenics sterilization statute. ..." RICHMOND, Va. -- It is a shameful cha
“... Most of all, American raceologists were proud to have inspired the strictly eugenic state the Nazis were constructing. ... Stanford President Davi
" ... The program, supported by prominent families and doctors here and in other parts of the state, was as much about thinning the welfare rolls as it was
By Nathaniel Comfort The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 12, 2012 "The ultimate ideal sought," wrote Harvey Ernest Jordan in 1912, "is a perfect so
By Calvin Adkins The Daily Southerner, October 19, 2012 TARBORO — The foundation that developed a plan to compensate victims of forced sterilization in
Lewis Reynolds was sterilized at the Lynchburg Training School at age 13. A doctor wrote that the procedure “will take a big burden off him in the futur
By Ian Wilkinson Special to The Constantine Report, September 29, 2012 David Cameron tells us that he is a liberal Conservative. However, as I will prove i
Leilani Muir is pictured with actor Jenny McKillop, who portrays Muir in Invisible Child: Leilani Muir and the Alberta Eugenics Board. By Gordon Kent Edmon
NPR, August 17, 2012 North Carolina was poised to become the first state to compensate people who had been sterilized against their will under decades of e
By Wesley J. Smith First Things, August 17, 2012 It has been coming for some time, but the top voices in bioethics–by which I mean those who inhabit the
DWU prof publishes essay on eugenics News release, Dakota Wesleyan University May 11, 2012 Jesse Weins Years before the atrocities of the Nazi regime, the
"American raceologists were proud to have inspired the strictly eugenic state the Nazis were constructing." Jerusalem Post, Feb 8, 2012 Woven throughout th
" ... The founder and first president of the American Eugenics Society, Irving Fisher, was an economics professor at Yale. Fisher once wrote, 'We could mak
" ... The research focuses on George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, an anthropologist and captain in the English Army during World War I who died in 1966. Dur
Is it a little disingenuous to publish examples from Hitler's Germany in the 1930s and ignore the fact that the UN IPCC founder Maurice Storng-Adolph Eichmann is using Hitler's term "useless eaters" to justify the murder of 1000 times as many people in 2015?
Is it a little disingenuous to publish examples from Hitler's Germany in the 1930s and ignore the fact that the UN IPCC founder Maurice Storng-Adolph Eichmann is using Hitler's term "useless eaters" to justify the murder of 1000 times as many people in 2015?
Wow, eugenics turned against the originators; way nuts!!
Substitute druggie, homeless, disabled, elderly, unemployed, comminist, anarchist and you have the next mass kill; the best in history.
Found out ethiopian jews allegedly forced to take depo-provera in Israel.
Abuse of outgroups endemic there and intensifying.