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Eugenics Archive

Fast Horses and Eugenics

From the abstract to "Bred for the Race: Thoroughbred Breeding and Racial Science in the United States, 1900-1940," by Brian Tyrell: "In the first fou

Edwin Black American Eugenics

" ... One of my emphases has always been the antecedents of the Nazi Holocaust. In other words, how did they get there? Who financed it? Who helped? And f

The Eugenic Impulse

By Nathaniel Comfort The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 12, 2012 "The ultimate ideal sought," wrote Harvey Ernest Jordan in 1912, "is a perfect so

Readers Digest Pushes Eugenics

By Wesley J. Smith First Things, August 17, 2012 It has been coming for some time, but the top voices in bioethics–by which I mean those who inhabit the