The international Children of God sect was directed by an inner-circle of Satanists. Sex with children was standard religious practice, women were reduced
The Children of God cult is known ubiquitously for "Flirty Fishing," or carnal recruitment and prostitution for Christ. It's a sex-based Christian sect on
Note: The world views the GoG as Christian, but the inner-circle of CoG leadership is satanic, and given to authoritarian mind control, sexual abuse and ot
Guilty as charged. A photo of the wrong Richard Rodriquez was posted with the story, inadvertently. We apologize, especially to Mr. Rodriguez, the essayist, for the mix-up. - AC
just happened on this site and read this article with at first shock then total is a damn shame that in doing this story you lazily used richard rodriguez picture the essayist,writer that has squat to do with your story. shame on you.
Guilty as charged. A photo of the wrong Richard Rodriquez was posted with the story, inadvertently. We apologize, especially to Mr. Rodriguez, the essayist, for the mix-up. - AC
Gee, do you think they were lying again? No, just exaggerating the truth. Right.
just happened on this site and read this article with at first shock then total is a damn shame that in doing this story you lazily used richard rodriguez picture the essayist,writer that has squat to do with your story. shame on you.