Using the Department of Justice, friendly governors, and its usual propaganda outlets, the GOP has propagated the myth of voter fraud to purge the rolls
By John D. Atlas (Written with Peter Dreier) Huffington Post |March 23, 2010 The New York Times hit ACORN with a one-two punch last weekend, making sure t
Blackwater uses Iraqi civilians for target practice and engages in illicit CIA assassinations, and last I checked the company was still receiving gererous
by kos Nov 13, 2009 Some ACORN dude registered Mickey Mouse to vote, which is so much worse than this: A former [Pennsylvania] House speaker, an ex-lawm
Perhaps American proles, who profess to be anti-fascist at heart, should stop falling for every cynical, hypocritical political ploy pulled by the far-righ
Summary: Our analysis of the narrative framing of the ACORN stories demonstrates that -- despite long-standing charges from conservatives that the news med
From: I'm sort of fascinated by the latest ACORN conspiracy theory, that ACORN activists are crashing right wing "tea parties" in order t
Urges All Americans to Vote on November 4Washington, DC ( - ACORN (The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), together with
Also see: "VOTESCAM: The Voter Fraud Diversion"BY GREG GORDONMCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERSWASHINGTON -- The furor over the Association for Community Organizations f
By Evan Halper and Michael Rothfeld October 17, 2008 YPM, a group hired by the GOP, allegedly deceived Californians who thought they were s
The RNC's clamor over "voter fraud" is amplified by the media, actual ballot machine manipulation and gross procedural violations by Republicans are ignore