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Sexual Trauma Afflicts US Veterans

By Maggie Fox, Reutersnews.aol.comWASHINGTON (Oct. 28) - Nearly 15 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans seeking medical care from the U.S. Veterans Aff
  • Comments

    Interesting stuff, but it doesn't necessarily apply to {all} people, though.

    I admit, I am somewhat addicted to junk food........however though, I don't mind eating healthy stuff when I can get my hands on it. ;-)

    Don't worry though, Charlie will be just fine. He gave his family $700 mil. in public funds in the healthcare "privatization".

    And the real selling point for national public single payer health insurance is that it ensures transparency and consequent cost control. I have no problem with subsidized premiums.

    One more thing to casue ill health in people. Monsanto should be required to do many more studies.

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