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Sexual Trauma Afflicts US Veterans

By Maggie Fox, Reutersnews.aol.comWASHINGTON (Oct. 28) - Nearly 15 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans seeking medical care from the U.S. Veterans Aff
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    for information on the next possible holocaust(s), see study Inconsistencies and Open Questions Regarding Low Dose Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation, by Nussbaum and Kohnlein; a compendium of studies on workplace impacts; share at will. . .


    Thank you for your informative articles. Indeed, one wonders what the trauma level is, and what the numbers are, of citizens in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other war torn nations, at the preyful hands of the US military.

    Interesting stuff, but it doesn't necessarily apply to {all} people, though.

    I admit, I am somewhat addicted to junk food........however though, I don't mind eating healthy stuff when I can get my hands on it. ;-)

    healthy eating should be our top priority since there are many junk foods and foods with no nutritional value these days..

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