Former intelligence official wants sanctions against Russia to lead to the removal of Putin, "with a bullet hole in the back of his head" if necessary
Photo: President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy arrive at Dallas Airport, Nov. 22, 1963. (Credit: AP) Fifty years later, a complicit media still
New York Times national security correspondent, Mark Mazzetti, discusses the changing role of the CIA since 9/11 saying it has changed from being a spy age
Boston Academic Taking CIA to Court Over “Paltry” Information Releases BOSTON - Prof. George Katsiaficas of Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston h
From: "The Kissinger Transcripts," Foreign Policy, November 14, 2012: ... With this "memcon," the reader can be a fly on the wall in the Oval Office, as Fo
Amazing Investigation: How a Real Life James Bond Got Whacked by a Bag Lady Assassin New clues and a powerful Wall St. skeptic challenge the official story
By Tom Peters Colombia Reports | May 11, 2011 Accused: Jose Miguel Narvaez A former deputy director of Colombia's intelligence agency DAS ordered the ass
By SCOTT SHANE | New York Times | May 13, 2010 WASHINGTON — The Obama administration’s decision to authorize the killing by the Central Intelligence Ag
By Melissa Roddy | Feb. 4, 2010 "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of t
George Joannides, center, in July 1981, with his wife, Violet, and Bobby R. Inman, deputy director of the C.I.A.WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 (UPI) -- A U.S. judge s
"Like many of you, today's report in the Wall Street Journal about the nature of the secret CIA program didn't ring true for me. If the program were simply
From: "JFK’s Sorensen Could Tell Pelosi a Thing or Two About the CIA" By Jeff Stein CQ Former JFK speechwriter Ted Sorensen with Obama ... I was remind
Note: I reported on Jürgen Cain Külbel and his investigation of CIA involvement in the Hariri murder in November, 2006. See: "Lexington Comair Crash, Par
" ... What really bothers this desk-jockey polygrapher is that I might have shattered some idealistic fairy-tale persona that the agency has tried to maint
" ... April 28th commemorates the 29th anniversary of the assassination of Cuban-born Carlos Muñiz Varela in San Juan, Puerto Rico, by the hands of terror
by Jacob G. HornbergerIn his new book Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA by Jefferson Morley, a former Washington Post colu