Steven Zoeller The Oklahoma Daily | March 9, 2011 Three weeks ago, the university issued a press release announcing former Secretary of State Henry Kissing
An interview with Abayomi Azikiwi, Editor of Pan-African News Wire, from Detroit, MI. Press TV | April 1, 2011 PThe CIA and British Special Forces are sec
" ... The families are seeking damages from Alabama-based coal company Drummond for allegedly supporting right-wing death squads. ... " By Pete Yost AP | M
" ... As harrowing photos and other exhibits show, police murder squads in the occupied territories would murder local civilians -- men, women and children
Agence France-Presse | April 1, 2011 BUENOS AIRES--Former Argentine general Eduardo Cabanillas was sentenced Thursday to life in prison for running a notor
" ... This information is available to anyone who conducts even a cursory Internet search, but it has not been reported by the corporate-controlled media i
By Evan Ackerman Dvice | March 28, 2011 The Office of Naval Research has been working away on a suite of futuristic weapons, but it's hard to think of anyt
Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide By David Hambling Telepresence Options | March 25, 2011 The creation of robots that can hide from humans while spying
" ... [A] picture shows him surrounded by Afghans he refers to as 'my nignogs' with a friend adding the comment 'it's lovely to see a white man back in con
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) | March 23, 2011 Nazi doctor Karl Brandt on trial at Nuremberg TUCSON, Ariz., March 23, 2011 /PRN
By Alex Constantine This afternoon, MSNBC reporter Pete Williams claimed that an (unnamed, so we can't Google them) "panel of behavioral experts and psych
Related: "The Korean War: The 'Unknown War.' The Coverup of US War Crimes" U.S. Marines fighting in Seoul, Korea, Sept. 1950 " ... Though the North Korean
" ... Despite Kissinger's public warnings to respect human rights, the CIA kept close ties to Chileans they knew were committing abuses, paying some for in
" ... The question becomes not whether developers are using the military to make games more 'realistic' (clearly that is the case), but whether the militar
Hub City Anti-Racist Action Releases A Sample from Their Intel Files In a month, Neo-Nazi fascists from
By Jeremy Scahill The Nation | March 9, 2011 As Representative Peter King begins his hunt for Islamic radicals in our midst, including infiltrators of the
Also see: "U.S. Coal Co. Linked To Colombian Union Leader Assasinations" Drummond paid Colombian paramilitaries: WikiLeaks . By Hannah Aronowitz Colombia R