" ... A growing number of objectors, led by historians and teachers from the region in which Rommel was born and raised, have begun to provoke a radical r
By Alex Constantine The Daily Mail gossip sheet is reporting: "Patrick Swayze's niece dumps Neo Nazi husband, just two months after their wedding." She can
" ... The now-documented Justice Department inaction in this case has incensed many, including Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich who, according to the Plain
" ... The documents also confirm that the quest to secure stable oil supplies was central to plans for the invasion of Iraq. ... An attached letter reveals
Is US aid suppressing another struggle for freedom in the Middle East? By Nick Turse Aljazeera | May 1, 2011 In recent weeks, Yemeni protesters calling for
Malcolm and the Music By Norman (Otis) Richmond aka Jalali San Francisco Bay View | May 19, 2011 Malcolm X, loved then and now by the people, eulogized by
By Tom Peters Colombia Reports | May 11, 2011 Accused: Jose Miguel Narvaez A former deputy director of Colombia's intelligence agency DAS ordered the ass
NowPublic (date amended from May 12, 2010 article) Twenty-Six years ago Philadelphia police bombed the headquarters of a radical group called MOVE. The e
247 with suspected terror ties went through required background checks and got weapons in 2010 AP/CBS News | April 28, 2011 (AP) WASHINGTON - More than 20
" ... Two U.S.-based corporations have been accused of having ties with anti-union 'death squads' - Drummond Coal and Chiquita Brands International (the or
The 1961 trial in Israel of Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann was a global sensation. But it made West Germany nervous. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was afr
Also see: "Secretive Right-Wing Group Vetted Palin" By Marisa M. Kashino The Washingtonian | March 23, 2011 After spending years in the most powerful circ
David Wichner Arizona Daily Star | April 25, 2011 It's less than 2 feet long and 4 inches around. But Raytheon is designing its smallest air-launched weap
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP - April 14, 2011) — A human rights group is urging Haitian authorities to prosecute former dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Du
Inside Operation Dark Heart By Ben H. Rome, We Love DC | May 4, 2011 Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, author of the heavily-redacted Operation Dark Heart. On Thursd
" ... John Foster Dulles had made it clear that staff should 'do nothing to offend the dictators; they are the only people we can depend on.' ... Past im
" ... Somerville is a book for who-dun-nit fans but also it is an expose on war crimes, art history and experimental drug testing. ... " Nazis and drug com