" ... Information from newspaper stories, court decisions and congressional testimony were all kept out, as were footnotes citing those sources. 'We know
" ... Both Pakistan and France were quick to pin the blame for the attack on al-Qaeda but as time went by it became apparent that the bombing was not orche
By DENNIS HEVESI New York Times | November 17, 2010 E. Lawrence Barcella, a former federal prosecutor who handled major terrorism investigations in the
" ... Judge Larson ruled for the CIA on other issues, however, saying the agency's not required to testify about test subjects who withdrew their consent o
A Justice Department report leaked to The New York Times reveals how the C.I.A. aided Nazis after World War II The Week | November 17, 2010 The C.I.A. hel
American Security Council From SourceWatch "The American Security Council (ASC), a 501c4 organization, is "a non-partisan, non-profit organization which
16 November 2010 It has been developed into a perfectly honed technique: the airing of a confidential report used to mask the truth that it was supposed to
Jamie Kirchick must go by Justin Raimondo | AntiWar.com | November 01, 2010 Amidst the brouhaha over Juan Williams getting fired from his job at National P
Record Group 263: Records of the Central Intelligence Agency Records of the Directorate of Operations Analysis of the Name File of Heinrich Mueller Timoth
David Klepper KansasCity.com | Nov. 15, 2010 TOPEKA | The federal government has seriously underestimated the risk that a new federal lab in Manhattan, Kan
By Simon Mann Australian Age | November 16, 2010 A SPECIAL report commissioned by the US Justice Department - kept secret since 2006 - portrays Australian
Wycliffe Bible Translators SourceWatch - Wycliffe Bible Translators "was founded in 1942 by William Cameron Townsend. A missionary to the Cakchiquel India
" ... I currently work under the auspices of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation (BJHRF), along with with legal experts, NGOs, and academics, to ...
Nixon and the Bay of Pigs (Excerpt) By Gabriel Molina | Granma | July 8, 2007. "Many well informed people consider that the disappearance of Fidel would a
By Rev. WILLIAM E. ALBERTS CounterPunch | November 12 - 14, 2010 The Federal Bureau of Investigation pays a black man (Ronald Wilburn) $30,000 to offer a b
" ... Most counter terrorism experts dispute these claims saying there is no evidence to substantiate that waterboarding Al- Qaida leaders helped foil spec
" ... When the House passed the annual Intelligence Authorization legislation earlier this year, it included my provision to require the CIA to retain int
" ... [President] Lugo had to face a real war as a reaction to his independent course. A propaganda campaign targeting him swept across the continent: the