The strikes last a moment, but the consequences last forever. Six families explain how Obama’s secret drone war has left them struggling for answers afte
"... 'I think a lot about why they kill us innocent people,' says Zubair Ur Rehman, a young man who survived a drone strike that killed his grandmother whi
With the NSA’s bulk surveillance ruled illegal, the debate on the Patriot Act should be reinvigorated – with Edward Snowden free to join in On 6 June 2
Emails show discord in Blackwater investigation FBI agents thought some in Justice Dept. were undermining Iraqi civilian-deaths case As prosecutors put the
It’s been just over two years since computer prodigy Aaron Swartz took his own life. He was the target of a merciless witch-hunt by the Department of Jus
Also see: "NukeGate: CIA Heroes Sold Nuclear Components and Blueprints to Iran, Destroyed Evidence" "... Sterling has already been convicted of telling
Obama is a constitutional lawyer and a seasoned politician -- he knows the importance of symbolism -- yet he did not drop his strict observance of archai
EDITOR'S NOTE: Fox News celebrity and news editor Katie Pavlich hails from Young Americans for Freedom, a far-right propaganda front creat
"... Carter is very much entangled in the shady world of the military-industrial complex. Between stints in government, he has made significant sums of
"... The Committee to Protect Journalists unveiled a detailed, sober assessment of press freedom in the United States during President Obama’s tenure. T
"... A top manager at Blackwater ... openly threatened to kill a US State Department official in 2007 if he continued to investigate Blackwater’s corrup
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination issued its “Concluding Observations” on Aug. 29 over United States progress to end racism. Th
As President Obama prepares for his address at the NATO Summit in Wales and for chairing the United Nations Security Council in September, the children
By Linda Cooper and James Hodge National Catholic Reporter, Aug. 18, 2014 They set out -- alone, terrified and at the utter mercy of gangs and criminal
"... Which country is the top source of kids crossing the border? Honduras, home to the world’s highest murder rate, Latin America’s worst economic ine
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University of Chicago Neo-Nazi Neo-Cons: Obama, Nuland And Ukraine By Prof. Francis Boyle, March 15, 2014 It is now a matter of publ