October 4, 2010 House Speaker Glenn Richardson (left) and chief of staff Jay Walker in January 2005, shortly after Republicans took control of the House. A
" ... O'Donnell suggested in a lawsuit that she was pursuing a Master's degree at Princeton University, but she later acknowledged she has not taken any gr
By Faiz Shakir | Think Progress An investigation by the New York Daily News finds that New York GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, a multi-mill
By Kathryn Boughton Housatonic Times | September 24, 2010 There can be little doubt that America is in foment. Listen to or read the news and it is hard to
" ... 'These are explicit Nazis,' Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project told the Associated Press. 'These are people who w
By Eleanor Bader RH Reality Check | September 29, 2010 The litany of atrocities in this, the Season of Scapegoating, is long and vile: Qurans burned in Eas
The Pioneer Fund, a foundation with a history of promoting the genetic superiority of white European-Americans, gave $1.2 million. By Jill Garvey Alter
by David Levy The Energy Collective | September 8, 2010 We are at a critical juncture, as a backlash appears to be derailing action on climate change. If
Target the Corrupt Republican Campaign | May 03, 2010 So, the evidence that the Republican Party has a major racism problem just keeps mounting. I highligh
Also see: "Rand Paul On Bush Tax Cut Debate: 'You Can't Punish Rich People' (VIDEO)," Huffington Post, 09-27-10 The sorta libertarian Senate candidate warn
" ... Be patriotic, support the military ... " By Neil Macdonald CBC News | September 27, 2010 Beyond providing the freak show, to use a colleague's ter
By Stephen Lemons Phoenix New Times Blogs | September 22 2010 Arpaio: Always on the hunt for "dime droppers" Want more proof that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a
Brothers Charles and David Koch have spent tens of millions of dollars financing right-wing political organizations including Tea Party groups. Last week,
by Chris Hinyub Independent Voters' Network | September 25, 2010 A massive voter push back is underway as powerful pharmaceutical lobbying forces target di
GOP will try to get own candidate off NY ballot By JIM FITZGERALD (AP) – 2 days ago WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Republicans will try to remove their own candi
Using the Department of Justice, friendly governors, and its usual propaganda outlets, the GOP has propagated the myth of voter fraud to purge the rolls