David Swanson Australia.to News | 23 October 2010 While most of us Virginians don't feel we have a tight grip of control over our national government, Virg
By Alex Pareene Salon | October 20, 2010 Florida State Representative William SnyderFlorida Republican state legislator William Snyder has proposed a grea
" ... Although Powell's attempt to cover up the [My Lai] massacre was unsuccessful, he had at least proven his willingness to do what was necessary to plea
" ... In June 2009, he described the economic crash in the housing, banking and automotive industries as 'contrived' and a 'set up by the Obama administra
By CRISTINA SILVA | AP | October 20, 2010 A Republican campaign urging Latinos not to vote has been yanked from the airwaves amid an outcry from Democra
Also See: "The Farish Family’s Auschwitz Profits and Connections" Thoroughbred Champion Pleasant Tap Dies By Blood-Horse Staff TheHorse.com | October 1
By Alex Constantine Susan Latvala is a Republican running for County Commissioner in Pinellas Country, Florida. Ms. Latvala is the former board chairman of
" ... The newsletter published by Paul's secret society had an anti-Christian tone ... " By Greg Sargent Washington Post | October 13, 2010 I've obtained s
" ... Prominent in those connections is Billy Roper, an Arkansas man who has tied himself to the tea party movement. He’s also the founder of a group cal
" ... It sends a chilling message to all Americans ... that John Boehner and the Republican leadership in Washington would actively seek out a candidate l
By Sarah Posner Religious Dispatches | October 11, 2010 Just before this year's Values Voter Summit, the progressive advocacy group People For the America
By Sarah Posner Religious Dispatches | October 11, 2010 Just before this year's Values Voter Summit, the progressive advocacy group People For the American
By Joshua Green The Atlantic | Oct 8 2010 (Thanks to Ralph Hernandez for the lead) An election year already notable for its menagerie of extreme and unusua
Media Matters | October 07, 2010 — According to the Anti-Defamation League, David Barton, a self-described historian promoted by Fox News' Glenn Beck, ha
" ... Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul, who recently called Medicaid 'welfare,' nevertheless supports medicare payments to doctors because h
" ... Nearly half (47 percent) of Americans who consider themselves members of the Tea Party movement also consider themselves part of the "Christian conse