The inevitable politicization of the Boston bombings has begun with actual true connections drawn in detail by Michelle Malkin -- typically a hallucina
Also current: "Karl Rove-linked aides launch Kentucky super PAC," Politico, April 4, 2013 April 14, 2013 Former Bush official Karl Rove’s speech at the
SELWESKI: GOP homophobes step into KKK rhetoric April 6, 2013 What started out as a snit over a Facebook post and grew into a political controversy, str
Photo: Pope John Paul II is welcomed by Augusto Pinochet as he arrives in Santiago on April 1, 1987. The Vatican once dismissed reports of massacres by C
From GLW issue 958, March 19, 2013 The anointment of reactionary Argentine cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francisco marks the intensification of the Vati
" ... State Rep. Rick Miller, R-Sugar Land, who spoke at an event for the Greater Fort Bend County Tea Party last week, said he first heard about [James]
" ... The company was opposed to the Weimar Republic, and made generous donations to national conservative parties, including the Nazi Party. ... " The S
" ... Federal law enforcement officials are investigating the relationship between a former Reagan administration official known for his role in the I
A Bakersfield, California man is getting national attention saying he was an undercover spy for the CIA. Fernando Jara says he was embedded with Islamic ex
John Birch Society Origin: The John Birch Society, per the late anti-fascist journalist George Seldes, is a spin-off of the National Association of Man
What do the Family Research Council, Aryan Nations, and the home of Spokane’s Singing Nuns have in common? They’re all on the Southern Poverty Law Cent
NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — A panel at the Conservative Political Action Committee on Republican minority outreach exploded into controversy on Friday af
" ... As a staff member of President George W. Bush’s National Security Council, Abrams enjoyed advance knowledge of, and 'gave a nod to,' the (briefly
Tom Flanagan, neoconservative spiritual leader, consigned to utter darkness (Article Highlights) ... Tom Flanagan ... is the neocon pope no more, having ut
Nebraska Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy resigned abruptly Saturday in a scandal involving thousands of calls to four women on his state-issued cellphone, including