U.S. drone strikes are creating cadres of anti-American fighters, furious over the killing and wounding of thousands of civilians. Far from keeping drone
Apr 20, 2013 While the world sympathizes with the US over the Boston Marathon bombings, anti-drone activists are asking questions about the relative si
"... What could be more cowardly than for some unknown, unseen, unannounced killer to blow apart and maim innocent men women and children, without any ri
" ... The CIA's claim that it could neither confirm nor deny whether it has any drone records was inadequate because the government, including President B
President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner, the U.S. lawyer for Julian Assange talked to the Voice of Russia's John Robles
By John Robles Voice of Russia, January 8, 2013 Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa says that he is being targeted for assassination by the US Central Int
Author Sues CIA for Info on Trujillo Victim January 11, 2013 WASHINGTON (CN) - An author sued the CIA for records on the 1956 kidnapping and murder of a
“ ... 'A considerable part of the CIA budget is now no longer spying; it’s supporting paramilitaries who work closely with JSOC to kill terrorists, and
CIA Document #1035-960: Using politicians and the media to counter criticism of the Warren Report — This document, dated Jan. 4, 1967, and marked PSYCH f
Photo: Spanish diplomat Carmelo Soria was found dead in a canal in Chile in 1976 "... Those charged include Juan Contreras, the former director of the se
By Brian McAfee Global Research, June 14, 2011 The body of former Chilean President Salvador Allende was exhumed in May in an attempt to determine whether
This short but sweet and informative analysis of Richard Condon's classic "The Manchurian Candidate" was left by John Beviliqua as a comment over at my lon
Photo: Enrique Prado, CIA/Mafia assassin, has worked for Cofer Black, the Bush administration counter-terr0rist, and Blackwater June 27, 2012 Enrique “R
John Hinckley, Jr. would-be assassin of President Ronald Reagan, hailed from a Texas oil family on intimate terms with the George W. Bush clan. John Hickle
By Matt Bewig AllGov, March 5, 2012 Shakil Afridi Did the CIA plan that located Osama bin Laden in Pakistan last May endanger the lives of foreign aid wor
Also see: "Patrice Lumumba: A Brief History" | www.thenewblackmagazine.com By Cameron Duodu AllAfrica.com | May 5, 2011 Reflecting on discussions with the
Sirhan Sirhan, CIA Spooks and Dana Rohrabacher By Matt Coker OC Weekly | March 1, 2011 Sirhan Sirhan is scheduled to go before a California parole board