Mexico Arrests Three Army Generals Earlier this month, the Mexican government arrested three high-ranking Army generals “including a former second in com
Photo: Jynona Norwood, (R), her sister Junna Norwood (2-R) and their grand-daugther Julana, aged three comfort each other as Reverend Dr. Amos Brown (C)
Related: Nixon: "Brazil helped rig the Uruguayan elections," 1971 Documents reveal U.S. efforts to influence Uruguayan presidential election Bordaberry C
6-02-05 According to US government documents, Cuban exile and known terrorist Luis Posada Carriles participated in the Iran-Contra scandal, a program carri
" ... [Ira] Glass and his producers edited out essential lines of inquiry and concealed a key aspect of the bloodshed and its import for U.S. listeners: Wa
" ... The acts perpetrated by the Guatemalan government during the civil war (fully backed by American government money and expertise, least we forget who
The Dark Stain From The Dark Alliance: Cautionary Tales From The Tragic Saga of Gary Webb March 23, 2013 (H. "Corky" Johnson is a nationally award-winning
Photo: Colonel Jim Steele In 2004, with the war in Iraq going from bad to worse, the US drafted in a veteran of Central America's dirty wars to help set up
By John Robles Voice of Russia, January 8, 2013 Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa says that he is being targeted for assassination by the US Central Int
Author Sues CIA for Info on Trujillo Victim January 11, 2013 WASHINGTON (CN) - An author sued the CIA for records on the 1956 kidnapping and murder of a
" ... The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is using drug money to fund Rafael Correa’s opposition in the coming 2013 Ecuadorian elections.... The allega
Photo: Spanish diplomat Carmelo Soria was found dead in a canal in Chile in 1976 "... Those charged include Juan Contreras, the former director of the se
By New Times staff Broward-Palm Beach New Times, November 2, 2012 Ricardo Poma, proprietor of the Transal Corp., linked to the planc crash in Nicaragua th
"... The notorious US/CIA funded Navy Mechanics School (ESMA) was where opponents (active or perceived) to the dictatorship were raped, tortured, murdered
By Brian McAfee Global Research, June 14, 2011 The body of former Chilean President Salvador Allende was exhumed in May in an attempt to determine whether
" ... The book’s argument that '[t]he war on drugs and terror in Colombia is in fact a war for the control of the cocaine trade—in a system of imperial
" ... The last colonial massacre, referred to in the title of the book, took place in Panzós, Guatemala on May 29, 1978, when the military murdered 35 Q
By J. Patrice McSherry Crimes of War | July 6, 2001 According to recently de-classified files, the U.S. aided and facilitated Condor operations as a matter