By ERIC MARGOLIS lfpress, October 2009 Henry Kissinger once observed that being America's ally can be more dangerous than being its enemy. Take poor Hami
" ... While the current Afghan government fails every test of legitimacy, NATO rogues bluff that they need to protect the Afghan populace when they killed
Related: "How the CIA Paid for Judy Miller's Stories - All the News That's Fit to Buy" "... The Rendon Group became infamous after the invasion of Iraq on
By Elizabeth GouldHuffington PostJuly 27, 2009Kenneth J. Cooper's Boston Globe review of our book, Invisible History, Afghanistan's Untold Story, titled "C
" ... Since 2006, we've killed 14 senior Al Qaeda leaders using drone strikes. In the same time period, we've killed 700 Pakistani civilians in the same ar reports: "A McClatchy investigative report has revealed that a U.S.-funded bridge linking Afghanistan to Tajikistan is widely used by internati
The Haqqani network, born of the Russian war and nurtured by the CIA, is behind many spectacular assaults in Afghanistan. By Anand Gopal
By Nicolas J S DaviesOnline Journalonlinejournal.comMay 14, 2009On July 22 2006, Human Rights Watch issued a report titled “No blood, no foul” about Am
January 27, 2009PSL EditorialOn Oct. 7, 2001, the Bush administration began its murderous bombing of Afghanistan, dropping 5,000-pound bombs on nearly ever
This is the last post for a spell. There are 2,144 posts at this site explaining how America has come to embrace fascism and lose its mass murdering mind.
Tiffany AyudaCollege News10/10/08National Intelligence Estimate says the growing heroin trade in Afghanistan has discouraged progressAccording to a classif
by Ron FullwoodAugust 8, 2008www.opednews.comThe Bush administration's paid propagandists overseas are at it again. Lincoln Group, a Washington-based publi
Letting slip the drugs of war Is the CIA helping itself to the Afghan heroin harvest?Nick PossumOctober 22, 2007... Since the fall of the Taliban regime, w
Also see: "Afghan President Seeks Peace with Taliban after Suicide Bomb,"Jason Straziuso, AP, 9.29.2007ALAN FREEMANGlobe & MailOctober 16, 2007"OTTAWA -- E I suspected before, white supremacists corrupting the military of their country isn't just a U.S. or Germany issue; in fact, who knows how many more nations are ALSO having these problems?
"...there is no such thing as a good war...
Amen to that
They were also cited for cocaine and child trafficking in december 2002 multinational monitor magazine; one of ten worst multinational corporations. I suspected before, white supremacists corrupting the military of their country isn't just a U.S. or Germany issue; in fact, who knows how many more nations are ALSO having these problems?