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Nazism Archive

LETTER Fascism at Home

Daily Freeman (Hudson Valley): January 22, 2011  Dear Editor: As a veteran of World War II, the recent news that the CIA secretly imported Nazi war crimi

England’s Nazi King

Another take on Edward VIII: "Britain’s Nazi King" By Simon Edge Express | July 11,2009 Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor (King Edward VIII), with the forme

J.B. Stoner, Junkyard Dog

" ... His primary career was riling up crowds at white supremacist rallies in language so vile that even some sympathizers were repulsed. ... " By Larry Ke

BBC Profile Gianfranco Fini

BBC | December 13, 2010 Gianfranco Fini, president of Italy's Chamber of Deputies, is a polished, intelligent and witty political operator. The 58-year-old

Nazis in America

" ... The recruitment of the men responsible for atrocities committed under Hitler to fight the Cold War resulted in serious breaches of U.S. security, as