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LETTER Fascism at Home

Alex Constantine - January 22, 2011

Daily Freeman (Hudson Valley): January 22, 2011

can america be saved from fascism preview - LETTER Dear Editor: As a veteran of World War II, the recent news that the CIA secretly imported Nazi war criminals into our country after the war, hid their abominable records from the public, and put them to work in secret activities for the CIA, is a personal insult to me and the millions of others who fought the fascists.

The CIA deliberately ignored the requirements set out by President Truman for that kind of employment. It was not a matter of one or two Nazis, it was close to 2,000 of those monsters.

This cynical and evil underground government, the CIA, operates with impunity. Where is “representative government” when this kind of thing is allowed to continue and flourish?

We veterans of that war have been called “The Greatest Generation,” but we’ve been rewarded by a “grateful nation” with the greatest betrayal ever. The Washington crowd continues to tolerate the secret CIA, even from themselves. Is it fascism at home we’re up against now?


