Ronald Reagan, Hollywood FBI Snitch (1985 SJ Mercury News Article)
" ... Reagan's file, released after nearly 40 years, indicates that the president was one of at least 18 informants used by the FBI to gauge Communist infi
Kwanzaa A CIA Creation to Promote Racial Separation
" ...Africans must stop generalizing about the loyalties and motives of Afro-Americans, including the widespread suspicion of black Americans being CIA age
The Murderers Among Us
By Norman Markowitz People's World | November 24 2010 While most of the U.S. and the world looked upon Nazi atrocities with horror, erecting memorials such
England’s ‘Nazi Collaborators’ Shock-Doc Bio of Vichy France’s Pierre Laval (TV Review)
" ... Anti-Semitism was common around Europe at the period and the show rams the point home that even if the Vichy government had not had a direct hand in
GOP Congressional Report Questioning the Integrity of Global Warming Scientists was Plagiarized
" ... 'It kind of undermines the credibility of your work criticizing others' integrity when you don't conform to the basic rules of scholarship,' Virginia
Nixon’s Revenge Fred Malek & the American Action Network
" ... Throughout his life, Malek has found himself involved in nefarious deeds, and has feigned innocence each time. In his 20’s, Malek said he was in no
Army Redesignates "PSYOPS" as "Military Information Support Operations (MISO)"
“Public and congressional support for PSYOP has lagged because of the incorrect assumption that these operations are inherently insidious. ... " Don’t
Two Jewish Congressional Democrats try Real Hard to Say “Republicans are Fascists”
Jewish Democrats: Republican majority controlled by Nazi reenactors and their friends 'Republican leadership panders to Tea Party by embracing Nazi reenact
Bigoted Commentators Online – Anonymity Opens Gates to Racism
Also see: "IKA former Grand Titan Jarred Hensley behind Facebook vandalism" "Neo-Nazi site charged over reader comment" Profile of a racist troll: " ...
New York Times Pseudo Revelations Nazis Given Safe Haven in the USA
16 November 2010 It has been developed into a perfectly honed technique: the airing of a confidential report used to mask the truth that it was supposed to
Was Election Driven by Fox Propaganda? (Letter to the Des Moines Register)
November 16, 2010 An interesting aspect, to me, is that the wave of Republican elections might be due to the misinformation that Fox News and conservati
Radio Free Europe “Reporter” Jamie Kirchick War Propaganda on the Taxpayers’ Dime
Jamie Kirchick must go by Justin Raimondo | | November 01, 2010 Amidst the brouhaha over Juan Williams getting fired from his job at National P
Austrian Counter-Terrorist Agency Engulfed in Neo-Nazi Scandal
" ... Given the links between Austria’s extreme far-right scene and an agency responsible for fighting the right-wing extremists, 'How should people fee
Bianca Jagger & the Death Squad
" ... I currently work under the auspices of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation (BJHRF), along with with legal experts, NGOs, and academics, to ...
UK Disputes Bush’s Use of Waterboarding to Save Lives
" ... Most counter terrorism experts dispute these claims saying there is no evidence to substantiate that waterboarding Al- Qaida leaders helped foil spec
CIA in Paraguay, or How to Get Rid of a President
" ... [President] Lugo had to face a real war as a reaction to his independent course. A propaganda campaign targeting him swept across the continent: the
George W. Bush – Worst Plagiarist in American History
Report: Bush lifted quotes for his memoir Huffington Post says 'Decision Points' passages mimic others' accounts staff and news service reports
John Boehner’s Links to Lobbyists could be the Chink in his Political Armor
In his battle against Barack Obama, the incoming Speaker of the House of Representatives faces Democratic attacks over his closeness to Washington's power
Wesley Snipes Plots MLK-Hoover Exposé
By MIKE FLEMING (Excerpt) | October 20, 2010 DEADLINE NEW YORK EXCLUSIVE: Despite facing a 3-year jail stretch after a long battle with the IRS, Wesley Sn
Fox News: Let’s Put on a Show
John Doe
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The Latest RA/Mind Control Whitewash
John Doe
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