AC Note: This article overlooks the fact that the American Enterprise Institute, the sponsor of Charles Murray's talk at Duke University, is an industria
I watched a Chris Hayes’ panel on Thursday, October 9, 2013. They were discussing the government shut down and the debt ceiling. No one mentioned that th
" ... Charles Murray is perhaps best known for the 1994 book he co-authored, The Bell Curve. A columnist at the New York Times called it 'a scabrous piec
Photo: Stephen Hadley, former National Security Advisor to George W. Bush, Raytheon director and media opinion-shaper "... The media debate surrounding t
What possible connection could there have been between George H.W. Bush and the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Or between the C.I.A. and the assassinati
Photo: Convicted killer Joseph Paul Franklin. Pornographer and civil liberties advocate calls for neo-Nazi to be spared, saying death penalty is 'not jus
Photo: Newspaper shows Antonio González Pacheco - nicknamed Billy the Kid - competing in city's half-marathon in 2010 October 8, 2013 A man alleged to be
The rise and fall of a small but threatening Nazi movement Everyone is familiar with Adolf Hitler and the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. Few remember tha
October 11, 2013 As Italy gets ready to qualify for 2014 World Cup, TheHardTackle turns back time to the pre-war era of the game and discovers the introd
The ONA (Online News Association) has given two awards to the UK’s Guardian newspaper for covering the scandal of US spying on its citizens and foreign g
Also see: "Get Facebook, Google and Yelp Out Of ALEC!" Google and other tech giants have reportedly teamed up with the pro-corporate ALEC to draft model le
LIBERATION NEWSPAPER, Plaintiff vs. DEPARTMENT OF STATE 'This action is brought under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, et seq., to
Photo: The wealthy Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., tells "60 Minutes" about all the poor people whom he says are scamming the government. (CBS) Is it possible fo
Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke died aged 100 in Rome without an iota of remorse for the monumental horrors inflicted by Hitler on European civilisation. I
A U.S. Marine helicopter (a Huey, not a Black Hawk) over Mogadishu in 1992. Photo credit: Wiki Commons. Last week marked the twentieth anniversary of the
The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 37, No. 1, September 14, 2013 As influential contributors to national policy, intelligence professionals inevitabl
The burned and buried body of the former British model was discovered in Hungary. On April 23, 2009, The Telegraph reported: "Her family had been campaign
"... The man linking the two places is Walter Christaller, a giant of regional planning whose Nazi associations were somehow washed away, or conveniently