By Lee Fang | Think Progress Fred Koch This morning, the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer published an explosive investigative piece detailing the role of the K
By Raw Story | August 21st, 2010 The second largest shareholder in News Corp. -- the parent company of Fox News -- has donated hundreds of thousands of dol
By Karl Frisch Media Matters | August 20, 2010 When Media Matters first highlighted reports that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. -- the parent company of o
By Michael Beckel OpenSecretsBlog | August 19, 2010 American Crossroads
Posted by bettenoir AlterNet | August 3, 2010 Dove World Outreach Center ... Dove World Outreach is the touchy-feely facade for a suspiciously “for-profi
Despite rules changes intended to benefit consumers over the past 60 years, multiple felon Big Pharma continues to play by its own rules. By M. Dennis Paul
Crosses along the border wall memorialize those who didn’t make it. Photo by keiforce By Julian Aguilar Texas Tribune | August 15, 2010 A large majority
By Joshua Holland AlterNet | August 18, 2010 We have a Constitution that prohibits the government from pushing religious institutions around. But the Ri
Liberals 'R' the New Jews: " ... Greg Gbur, assistant professor of physics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, argued in his blog, Skulls i
" ... Money talks. And here it's saying: SB 1070 is racist to the core. ... " By Alex DiBranco Immigrant Rights | July 28, 2010 When all these hate groups
Mari Hayman Latin America News Dispatch | Aug 17, 2010 NEW YORK — Forty years after U.S. AID official Dan Mitrione was kidnapped and executed by Uruguaya
By Jerry Markon and Stephanie McCrummen Washington Post | August 17, 2010 A federal investigation of a controversial Arizona sheriff known for tough immigr
" ... Chip Pickering’s voting record hewed to the right-wing extreme of the 'family values' line. ... " Jon Ponder | Jul. 17, 2009 The latest bombshell
" ... In 'Counterexamples to Relativity,' the authors (including Schlafly) write: 'The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no except
New York Times, August 5, 2010: " ... He was criticized for being a member of a private club that had refused membership to blacks and women. ... " The I
by Abe Sauer | The AWL | August 9, 2010 When Target's CEO said he was "sorry" last week for his company's donation to anti-gay causes, AP, CBS, TPM, AOL an
A brief history of book burning in America In the late 19th century, a former U.S. postal inspector Anthony Comstock appointed hi
Wikinews | August 7, 2010 A Gainesville, Florida church named the Dove World Outreach Center has drawn international attention to itself with its planned b