" ... Diet soda drinkers were found to be at the highest risk for depression. The researchers have no explanation for this connection, but the study adds t
Gatorade chemical BVO replaced by PepsiCo in wake of teen's petition Reuters, January 25, 2013 PepsiCo Inc is removing a controversial chemical from its
By Lucas W Hixson Enformable Nuclear News, January 9, 2013 More outrage is building over prominent employees at Hanford blowing the whistle about how Bech
" ... The bin Ladens have a ten million dollar stake in the Fremont Group, a San Francisco-based company formerly called Bechtel Investments, which was unt
Many farmers have decided to forego growing corn and soybeans due to the "inevitable contamination that will result". By Charlotte Silver Aljazeera, Januar
Henry Ford's "The International Jew" sold 11 million copies in Nazi Germany. His anti-Semitic tract was a best-seller ... and the Ford Motoc Co. is still
A branch of the Riggs National Bank on Pennsylania Avenue in Washington, DC, is pictured on April 20, 2004. Texas financier and media magnate Joe Allbritto
By Dorsey Griffith Futurity, November 16, 2012 Preschool-age children had higher exposure to more than half the toxic compounds being measured. Even rel
By MARIMER MATOS Courthouse News Service, September 17, 2012 (reposted) MIAMI (CN) - Siemens sicced "mercenaries" to beat and torture a government worker
Fars News Agency, December 9, 2012 TEHRAN (FNA)- The notorious Blackwater security firm plans to widen its activities in Afghanistan after the US-led for
" ... In July, bank officials apologized to the U.S. Senate for their lax money-laundering controls, which allowed Mexican drug cartels to launder billions
" ... The end result is a fusion between two of the largest health hazards to ever hit the food industry -- artificial sweeteners and an array of genetica
By Ebony Grimsley (excerpt) NewsOne for Black America, November 16, 2012 John Schnatter, CEO of Papa John’s, first came under attack after his address t
Excerpt from "The Ugly Canadian Digs In," by Yves Engler, TheTyee.ca, 21 Nov 2012 'Building the Canadian Advantage' .. As part of their promotion of volu
Mitt Romney, Monsanto Man By Wayne Barrett The Investigative Fund, September 13, 2012 In his Bain years, the GOP nominee helped fashion Monsanto into a bio
The Neptune Strategy: Shell Propped up Apartheid in South Africa By John Donovan From: Royal Dutch Shell plc .com In 1987, Shell Oil Co implemented a secre