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ManTech Names CIA Vet Brian McHugh VP of Program Development and Risk Management

Alex Constantine - February 23, 2013

Also see: "SourceWatch on Mantech" and "Domestic Spying, Inc."

Press Release

FAIRFAX, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ManTech International Corporation (NASDAQ:MANT) named Brian McHugh Vice President for Program Development and Risk Management. McHugh will develop and implement national security programs that align with customers’ missions and resources, and support a number of highly-specialized, ongoing programs aimed at protecting the homeland. McHugh will also advise ManTech's Board of Directors and executive management team on risk mitigations for operations worldwide. McHugh brings with him 28 years of Intelligence Community experience.   

“ManTech is excited to welcome Brian to our  team. He brings a unique understanding of the Intelligence Community’s diversity”

McHugh retired from the Central Intelligence Agency this year following a distinguished career protecting U.S. interests at home and abroad. He served as Chief of Station in various Middle Eastern and European locations, including theaters of conflict. He managed programs focused on countering international terrorism, weapons proliferation, counterintelligence, and cyber threats directed against the homeland. These complex, multimillion dollar and multiagency programs received heavy Congressional oversight and required that he work closely with foreign partner governments, senior U.S. military commanders, and policymakers. He developed substantive expertise in the Middle East, South Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans.

McHugh most recently served as the Associate Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch at the Federal Bureau of  Investigation (AEAD/FBI) where he oversaw the FBI’s counterterrorism, counterintelligence, weapons of mass destruction, and cyber security issues impacting national security. Mr. McHugh supervised various domestic and international operations focused on bringing terrorists to justice and preventing acts of terror against U.S. citizens. He also served with the Department of Defense at Fort Meade, Maryland as an analyst and regional expert.

“ManTech is excited to welcome Brian to our  team. He brings a unique understanding of the Intelligence Community’s diversity,” said L. William Varner, president and chief operating officer of ManTech’s Mission, Cyber and Intelligence Solutions (MCIS) group. “He will play an important role in developing solutions that maximize resources and align with each government customer’s unique requirements and culture.”

McHugh received several senior career Intelligence awards. He graduated with honors from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana where he earned recognition as a Phi Beta Kappa and James Scholar. He conducted post-graduate and professional studies at the University of Ankara in Turkey, Northwestern University, and George Washington University.

About ManTech International Corporation

ManTech is a leading provider of innovative technologies and solutions for mission-critical national security programs for the intelligence community; the Department of Defense, including its health organizations; the departments of State, Homeland Security, Energy and  Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); the space community; and other U.S. federal government customers. We provide support to critical national security programs for approximately 60 federal agencies through approximately 1,000 current contracts.       ManTech's expertise includes command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) lifecycle support; cyber security; global logistics support; intelligence/counter-intelligence support; information technology (IT) modernization and sustainment; systems engineering; test and evaluation; and health IT. ManTech supports major national missions, such as military readiness, terrorist threat detection, information security and border protection. Additional information on ManTech can be found at www.mantech.com.


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