"... Carter is very much entangled in the shady world of the military-industrial complex. Between stints in government, he has made significant sums of
In the 1960s, the agency sought to fight Communism through the students’ rights movement. There’s little reason to think its tactics have changed. Nove
The shocking disappearance of 43 student teachers lifted the lid on the open secret of Mexico’s many others who’ve disappeared amid drug-fuelled violen
Son of Hitler's deputy accused of abusing young boy while he was a priest 3 January 2011 The eldest son of Hitler‘s deputy Martin Bormann has been accu
"... IG Farben went on to build a plant at Auschwitz so massive that it consumed more electricity per day than Berlin. ..." How a company whose Nobel-winni
Even after the Kimberley Process banned diamond imports from the Central African Republic last year, the country exported an estimated 140,000 carats worth
"... There is a sense that the entire ideological spectrum of the political class is tainted. ..." The violent disappearance of 43 students from the Ayotz
A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced legislation Thursday to strip suspected Nazi war criminals of their Social Security benefits, insisting American
"... As the Colombian military engaged in the killings, the United States unconditionally supported it with intelligence, covert C.I.A. action and billions
Days after several former Blackwater guards were found guilty of violent crimes related to the deaths of 17 Iraqi civilians, Fox News' Brian Kilmeade hos
Why Are Spy Agencies Still Classifying Cold War Documents? Six decades after the government of the United States recruited 1,000 former Nazis as spies, som
VietNamNet Bridge – Pham Thanh Cong, 57, was one of only a dozen survivors of 1968's infamous My Lai massacre. More than four decades later, he has writt
If there is any chance of a conflict of interest, it's incumbent upon a reporter to acknowledge it, a disclosure that generally runs midstory but in this c
WASHINGTON (AP) — Legislation to stop suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving U.S. Social Security benefits will be introduced soon, the latest respo
Kill the Messenger, a movie starring Jeremy Renner, just opened, about the life and death of Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Gary Webb, who committed s
Martin Hartmann, a former Mesa resident, was one of at least 38 suspected Nazi war criminals who collected Social Security benefits in exchange for volunta
Suspected war criminals and SS guards continued to get benefits after being expelled from the U.S. BY DAVID RISING, RANDY HERSCHAFT AND RICHARD LARDNER OSI
This guy sucks. He gets the Vietnamese to stop negotiating with Johnson saying that nixon and the nazis are going to win, via a backchannel, just like Bush did in the october surprise 1980; the first of four coups against the constitution by the nazis.
One more Bush-Clinton coup "gone wrong". Was it the usual false flag pretext? Or another GD mess; business as usual. Remember its always all about the oil.
Can both prove Bushies and Mossad did 9/11 conclusively now. Three pivotal areas of evidence from multiple sources. Predecessors of Mossad blew up King David Hotel in 1948, driving british out of israel.
This guy sucks. He gets the Vietnamese to stop negotiating with Johnson saying that nixon and the nazis are going to win, via a backchannel, just like Bush did in the october surprise 1980; the first of four coups against the constitution by the nazis.
This is like revisiting Vietnam again. . . See setup of Jeffrey Macdonald MD for murder on base. . .
One more Bush-Clinton coup "gone wrong". Was it the usual false flag pretext? Or another GD mess; business as usual. Remember its always all about the oil.
Can both prove Bushies and Mossad did 9/11 conclusively now. Three pivotal areas of evidence from multiple sources. Predecessors of Mossad blew up King David Hotel in 1948, driving british out of israel.