Jewish Funds for Justice defends Soros’ Germany comparison JTA | February 22, 2011 NEW YORK (JTA) -- Jewish Funds for Justice defended George Soros' com
ALSO SEE: "Keith Olbermann Accuses Glenn Beck Of Anti-Semitism For ‘Jews Killed Jesus’ Comment" JTA | January 6, 2011 (JTA) -- Jewish Funds for Justice
November 16, 2010 An interesting aspect, to me, is that the wave of Republican elections might be due to the misinformation that Fox News and conservati
By Alex Constantine Mort Kondracke's Wikipedia biography perpetuates the myth: "... After college [1960], Kondracke joined the U.S. Army and served in Was
" ... 'I'd like to see them put him away for the rest of his life,' fumed [Susan] Gaudet, one of Leaf's three sisters, from Jacksonville, N.C. ... " BY Ric
" ... Nearly half (47 percent) of Americans who consider themselves members of the Tea Party movement also consider themselves part of the "Christian conse
by Stephanie Condon Political Hotsheet | September 2, 2010 The Democratic Governors Association is accusing Fox News of making an illegal campaign contribu
By Raw Story | August 21st, 2010 The second largest shareholder in News Corp. -- the parent company of Fox News -- has donated hundreds of thousands of dol
Quebecor's conservative channel set to start next year By David Ljunggren and Euan Rocha Reuters | June 15, 2010 OTTAWA/TORONTO - In a bid to shake up Ca
Beck has endorsed a book by the late Elizabeth Dilling. Now he should read the 1943 book that exposed her ilk By Joe Conason | Salon | Jun 7, 2010 Beck's
"'When a dominant provider of information -- I mean Fox particularly -- acts not as news but as propaganda for extremists, aberrations like the Tea Party
Los Angeles Times | May 4, 2010 Advertisers may be backing away from Fox News personality Glenn Beck, but News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch is standing pa
Responding to Rev. Jim Wallis' statements about him in the Washington Post, Glenn Beck stated, "Thou shalt not lie." However, contrary to Beck's denials, W
By Cord Jefferson
Huffington Post | March 24, 2010
These days, a great many Americans know that Fox News heavyweight Glenn Beck's nightly rhetoric is sill
A scene from Caligula
" ... Beck tried to move the conversation in a different direction, but his guest resisted. 'Let me show you something,' Massa pr
By TIM ARANGONYTJuly 22, 2009The editor of News of the World, a London tabloid, told a parliamentary committee on Tuesday that James Murdoch, the son of th