The Birch Society was co-founded by Fred Koch, and his sons gave us the tea party, extensions of the Birch Society. Their political rhetoric is the same.
Alex ConstantineFounder, Constantine Report
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"... The Birchers have piggybacked on Tea Party activities in order to attract new members and gain a larger audience for their ideas. Â The recent moves
"... Many noted that his personal spending habits were as conservative as his politics, which included a leadership role in the John Birch Society. ..." O
Documents Show Charles Koch Is Past Member Of Radical Right-Wing Group
By D.L. Chandler
Jul 10 2014
In what should be a surprise to few, conservativeÂ
November 22, 2013 If you've ever wondered what happened to the John Birch Society, author Claire Conner of Dunedin can tell you. The radical right-wing g
John Birch Society Origin: The John Birch Society, per the late anti-fascist journalist George Seldes, is a spin-off of the National Association of Man
By James Howard Kunstler Red, Green and Blue (excerpts), November 13, 2012 ... The so-called Grand Old Party now faces a fugue of recrimination that could
A new face of political goofiness By Jim Hightower November 29, 2012 At last, our embarrassment is over! We Texans have long endured the shame of having o
WackenhutFrom SourceWatch
The Wackenhut Corporation provides security services to commercial and government organizations. It is a subsidiary of U.K. base
" ... While the Southern Poverty Law Center describes the organization as past its zenith and McManus as one of the most dangerous people in America, he wo
By Lee Fang Think Progress | February 21, 2011 Over 68,000 people have mobilized in Madison and progressive organizers are planning solidarity efforts acro
By Karl Neathammer | December 19, 2010 Within the Nevada Republican Party, and the modern conservative movement, there are too many terrified
By Lee Davidson The Salt Lake Tribune |November 16, 2010 Ezra Taft Benson His letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was packed with political dynamite, s
JFK, the Birch Society and a bit of 1960s Psychohistory " ... The JBS suggested that John F. Kennedy and other leading members of the Democratic Party
" ... While The John Birch Society may have claimed not to be racist, their support for racist policies has led them to be a magnet for white supremacists.
by Adele Stan | AlterNet | May 20, 2010 Rand Paul has made a national splash, right out of the gate after his triumph in the Kentucky GOP primary for U.S.
By Kyle Munzenrieder Miami New Times | Dec. 17 2009​The John Birch Society is co-sponsering this years Conservative Political Action Conference. Don't re
Re Helena, Montana: Tea Party Hosts Fascist Propagandist McManus, Birch Society President"Webmaster" writes: "You apparently have no idea what facist mean
October 2, 2009 The Big Sky TEA Party will host John McManus, president of the John Birch Society, on Saturday, Oct. 3, in the basement of Jorgenson's Res