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Forerunners of the Tea Party A Birch Society Roll Call of Notorious White Supremacists

Alex Constantine - March 21, 2013

John Birch Society

Origin: The John Birch Society, per the late anti-fascist journalist George Seldes, is a spin-off of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), an influential right-wing corporate lobbying and propaganda front. SourceWatch: "The John Birch Society (JBS) is a conservative U.S. organization that was founded in 1958 to fight the threat of Communism. It represents itself as "a membership-based organization dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution. JBS advocates the abolition of income tax, and the repeal of civil rights legislation, which it sees as being Communist in inspiration. For this reason, its opponents characterize it as a white citizens' society dedicated to preventing minorities from gaining political power. At one time, the John Birch Society was very powerful and members included prominent residents of California including the Knott family. In their early days, Birchers shared a common ideology and some overlapping membership with Fred Schwarz and his California-based Christian Anti-communism Crusade. ...

"By March of 1961, Welch claimed between 60,000 and 100,000 members--but a more realistic estimate is closer to 10,000. ... According to its profile by Political Research Associates, JBS "pioneered grassroots lobbying, combining educational meetings, petition drives, and letter writing campaigns. One early campaign against the second Summit Conference between the US and the Soviet Union generated over 600,000 postcards and letters.."

"The JBS was viewed by mainstream journalists and politicians as an extremist, wing-nut organization of conspiracy theorists. Much of its early conspiracism, according to Political Research Associates, 'reflects an ultraconservative business nationalist critique of business internationalists networked through groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR is viewed through a conspiracist lens as puppets of the Rockefeller family in a 1952 book by McCarthy fan, Emanuel M. Josephson, Rockefeller, 'Internationalist': The Man Who Misrules the World. In 1962 Dan Smoot's The Invisible Government added several other policy groups to the list of conspirators, including the Committee for Economic Development, the Advertising Council, the Atlantic Council (formerly the Atlantic Union Committee), the Business Advisory Council, and the Trilateral Commission. Smoot had worked at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC before leaving to establish an anticommunist newsletter, the Dan Smoot Report.

"The shift from countersubversion on behalf of the FBI to countersubversion in the private sector was an easy one. The basic thesis was the same. In Smoot's concluding chapter, he wrote, 'Somewhere at the top of the pyramid in the invisible government are a few sinister people who know exactly what they are doing: They want America to become part of a worldwide socialist dictatorship, under the control of the Kremlin.'"

Official JBS Website: http://www.jbs.org/

Founding Date: 1958

Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
John Birch
28-May-1918 25-Aug-1945 Missionary to China killed during WW2
Willis Carto
17-Jul-1926 Founder of Liberty Lobby, IHR
Joseph Coors, Sr.
12-Nov-1917 15-Mar-2003 Ultraconservative beer baron
Kent H. Courtney
23-Oct-1918 12-Aug-1997 Ultraconservative activist
William J. Grede
24-Feb-1897 5-Jun-1989 Grede Foundries, Inc.
Edgar W. Hiestand
3-Dec-1888 19-Aug-1970 Congressman from California, 1953-63
H. L. Hunt
17-Feb-1889 29-Nov-1974 Founder of Hunt Oil
Nelson Bunker Hunt
22-Feb-1926 Tried to corner the silver market
Fred C. Koch
23-Sep-1900 Nov-1967 Founder, Koch Industries
Alfred Kohlberg
27-Jan-1887 7-Apr-1960 The China Lobby Man
Tim LaHaye
27-Apr-1926 Left Behind series
Pat Manion
Radio Personality
1896 1979 Manion Forum
Robert Mathews
16-Jan-1953 8-Dec-1984 White supremacist died in shootout with FBI
Larry McDonald
1-Apr-1935 1-Sep-1983 Congressman from Georgia, 1975-83
John F. McManus
1935 President, John Birch Society
Evan Mecham
12-May-1924 22-Feb-2008 Governor of Arizona, 1987-88
Tom Metzger
9-Apr-1938 White supremacist
Revilo P. Oliver
7-Jul-1908 10-Aug-1994 Founding member, John Birch Society
Westbrook Pegler
2-Aug-1894 24-Jun-1969 Ultraconservative newspaper columnist
William Pierce
11-Sep-1933 23-Jul-2002 The Turner Diaries
Archie Roosevelt
9-Apr-1894 13-Oct-1979 Conservative leader against New Deal
John H. Rousselot
1-Nov-1927 11-May-2003 Congressman from California, 1961-63 & 1970-83
John G. Schmitz
12-Aug-1930 10-Jan-2001 Congressman from California, 1970-73
Eric Show
19-May-1956 16-Mar-1994 MLB pitcher
Cleon Skousen
20-Jan-1913 9-Jan-2006 The Naked Communist
Kevin Strom
1956 Founder, National Vanguard
Arthur R. Thompson
1938 CEO, John Birch Society
Edwin A. Walker
10-Nov-1909 31-Oct-1993 Ultraconservative activist
Robert Welch
1-Dec-1899 6-Jan-1985 Founder, John Birch Society



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