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Helena, Montana Tea Party Hosts Fascist Propagandist McManus, Birch Society President

Alex Constantine - October 5, 2009

October 2, 2009

1583 1 - Helena, MontanaThe Big Sky TEA Party will host John McManus, president of the John Birch Society, on Saturday, Oct. 3, in the basement of Jorgenson's Restaurant and Lounge. He will speak at 7 p.m. on "Restoring State Sovereignty and Preserving Personal Freedom."

McManus received a bachelor's degree in physics from Holy Cross College, served three years as a Marine Corps officer, and began a career as an electronics engineer in 1960. He has appeared on the C-SPAN network many times and has been the subject of interviews conducted by Pat Buchanan, Larry King and many other radio and television hosts.

McManus is also the author of five books and countless pamphlets and magazine articles.
