" ... The program, supported by prominent families and doctors here and in other parts of the state, was as much about thinning the welfare rolls as it was
Photo: Dr. Hartmut Hopp By Alex Constantine Jorge Zepeda, minister of jurisdiction at the Court of Appeals in Santiago, Chile has closed his investigation
By Uwe Klussmann Der Spiegel, November 29, 2012 In the mid-1920s, Joseph Goebbels was given the difficult task of fostering support for the growing Nazi P
“In 1946, with the ovens of Auschwitz just cooling, some 40% of Americans would still have participated in, or stood silently by as a Krystallnacht-type
RT, December 3, 2012 Over 10,000 have come out to an anti-Nazi rally in Budapest to demonstrate against a proposal of a far-right leader to draft lists
By Southern Poverty Law Center Published: Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012 - 8:31 am MONTGOMERY, Ala., Nov. 27, 2012 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- More than a decad
By Nathaniel Comfort The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 12, 2012 "The ultimate ideal sought," wrote Harvey Ernest Jordan in 1912, "is a perfect so
Fifty years ago Richmond homemaker Gina Blasbalg was a victim of physical and psychological torture and unethical experiments. As a teen she was part of a
By Lucette Lagnado Wall Street Journal, November 30, 2012 Every year since 1963, the Space Medicine Association has given out the Hubertus Strughold Award
By Marcel Fürstenau Deutsche Welle, December 1, 2012 As a witness in the parliamentary inquiry looking at a 10-year string of neo-Nazi murders, August Han
Photo: Romani ("Gypsy") children at Auschwitz subject to various terminal medical experiments. What Have We Learned Since the "Forgotten Holocaust"? By Vi
Photo: Jews await deportation at a French railway station in 1941 Schoolteachers have long complained about the difficulties of teaching this chapter in Fr
Leon de Degrelle, chief of the Belgian Rexist party, making a speech at a huge Brussels gathering of fans, on July 11, 1938. (AP Photo) Huff Post World, No
November 25, 2012 Police authorities in Poland have recently foiled a major terror plot in their country, a plot that had planned on bombing the Polish pa
" ... Nemesis, by British journalist Peter Evans, claims that Dulles used Robert Kennedy to damage the Greek shipping business and tycoon Aristotle Onassis
Business Recorder, November 22, 2012 A French appeals court Wednesday rejected a bid by heirs of French carmaker Louis Renault for compensation in connect
This article originally appeared in German in issue 45/2012 (November 5, 2012) of DER SPIEGEL. A secret paper written by senior police officers paints a
"... The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Departmen
December 12, 2012 Earlier this year, while conferring a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom on the Polish hero Jan Karski, Barack Obama inadvertently