" ... The Simon Wiesenthal Center, the international Jewish human rights organization, listed him as No. 3 among its most wanted Nazi-era war criminals. B
" ... There are, in fact, many weird things about this little book. In a couple of different spots, for example, [AN] Wilson heavily implies that only sec
During the Nazi regime, 7 million bank accounts were created in Switzerland. An estimated 60,000 of them were opened by Jews in a bid to salvage their prop
By Susan Seligson. Video by Devin Hahn BU Today (Boston University), April 20.2012 Watch this video on YouTube Michael Grodin (from left) and his UROP st
" ... Americans reacted to Hitler rather as any other nationality did. First they ridiculed him, then they expressed grudging admiration for the order he b
The 'Nazi Titanic', a 1943 German wartime propaganda film commissioned by Joseph Goebbels about the famous sinking, is the subject of a new Channel 5 doc
By MIKE CORDER Associated Press THE HAGUE, Netherlands February 3, 2012 (AP) General view of the court showing the judges, rear, the delegation of Germany
" ... Declassified intelligence reports in Germany and the United States showed that Adenauer and the West German government feared that if Eichmann retur
By ALISON WEIR CounterPunch | March 4 - 6, 2011 In an inversion of journalistic ethics, the Sacramento Bee reported on opposition to an event before and af
By Eric Brothers Suite101.com | January 3, 2011 A marketing campaign was undertaken to isolate German Jews from the community. Children were targeted for
For 65 years Bernhard Frank hid chilling past, including signing first order instructing Jewish genocide and close ties with Hitler, Himmler. Personal inte
" ... The Nazis exploited their racist agenda while making it seem as if the Nazi state was simply zealous in applying the letter of the law ... This claim
Jewish wealth confiscated by the Nazis paid for almost a third of the German war effort, a new study has found. The Nazis made vast profits out of selling
Edwin Black | The Cutting Edge | June 14, 2010 California eugenics has a direct link to Nazi Germany’s war of extermination against Jews and all other Eu
Daily food intake of Aushchwitz prisoner, original Schindler's list, names of [Lebensborn] children, blood-curdling account of millions of those murdered
Note: The Partisan Review, mentioned in the story, was a CIA "Mockingbird" cold war propaganda front - directed at left-wing literati - that happened t
"It was from Prinz Albrecht Strasse that the concentration camps were administered, where the deadly military taskforces were managed and detailed records
Famed, former Westport lawyer dies By FRANK FAY The Hour | 04/07/2010 http://www.thehour.com/story/484632 .Commander M. Philip Lorber, USNR., an internati