Suspect Captured in Deadly Arizona Shooting Spree The man accused of shooting six people, one of them fatally, in Mesa, Arizona, is a 41-year-old neo-Nazi
Martin Hartmann, a former Mesa resident, was one of at least 38 suspected Nazi war criminals who collected Social Security benefits in exchange for volunta
J.T. Ready, the Early Years, Courtesy of His Hometown Newspaper By Stephen Lemons Phoenix New Times Blogs, May 8 2012 I knew Gilbert massacre shooter J.T
By Jadiann Thompson, May 4, 2012 3MARICOPA, AZ (CBS5) - J.T. Ready is the man accused of gunning down three people and a baby Wednesday and is k
Border Activist Sentenced to Death ASSOCIATED PRESS | February 22, 2011 A jury in Tucson has sentenced a border activist to death in the 2009 murder of a
By Three Sonorans Tucson Citizen | January 30, 2011 While some have taking this opportunity to blame the Giffords tragedy on politics, I have been trying
By Joe Coscarelli Village Voice | January 26, 2011 Shawna Forde, he notorious anti-immigration vigilante, is currently on trial in Arizona for the 2009
By Three Sonorans | Tucson Citizen | January 13, 2011 The video above was made to put all the evidence that Dennis Gilman and Stephen Lemons, of the Phoe
" ... 'These are explicit Nazis,' Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project told the Associated Press. 'These are people who w
Target the Corrupt Republican Campaign | May 03, 2010 So, the evidence that the Republican Party has a major racism problem just keeps mounting. I highligh
By Stephen Lemons | Phoenix New Times | June 21, 2010 For the "reporters" at ABC 15: Ready in neo-Nazi garb It's not every day that a well-known neo-Nazi
by Ed Brayton | scienceblogs | June 21, 2010 The Phoenix New Times has a frightening article about a group of neo-Nazis in Arizona who are heavily armin
by Moses Apsan, Esq. | Jornalus News Service May 13, 2010 -- Arizona -- Evidence that Arizona's new anti-immigrant law was was written and introduced to Ar
By Daily Mail Foreign Service | 9th May 2010 Cynthia Keene and her children Brad and Ariana are members of the National Socialist Movement - a racist group
Written by olivia | April 20, 2010 Arizona (ChattahBox) – A new bill passed in Arizona has come under fire from the rest of the country after it became c
by Mike SunnucksPhoenix Business JournalJune 11, 2009In the aftermath of Wednesday’s shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is
Coletto: "I was in bed with the devil, satanism is real, satanism has a large following in the National Socialist Movement. ... "By Stephen Lemons (Excerpt