Contemporary Racial Eugenics in America – Pioneer Fund President J. Philippe Rushton’s Wikipedia Entry
Also see: “Racial Hygiene” in America: Eugenicist Founders & Directors of the Pioneer Fund J. Philippe Rushton From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is it a little disingenuous to publish examples from Hitler's Germany in the 1930s and ignore the fact that the UN IPCC founder Maurice Storng-Adolph Eichmann is using Hitler's term "useless eaters" to justify the murder of 1000 times as many people in 2015?
300,000 Quecha women sterilized under Fujimori in Peru; Is this just a modern continuation of beliefs that culminated in unit 731? Probably.
And cain't you hear the pseudoscientific nazis saying,"Damn, and I thought sterilizing all those drug addicts was going to prevent addiction/alcoholism in the future."
Bell curve assumptions don't include socioeconomic factors or psychospiritual influences.