DALLAS, TEXAS, July 9, 2015 -- Today, the City of San Jose filed a lawsuit against Monsanto Company, a sustainable agriculture organization, for alleged
UPDATE: The VA has announced Air Force reservists who became ill from Agent Orange exposure should be eligible for disability benefits. Wes Carter is acu
Also see: Genetically Modified BACTERIA Used to Make NutraSweet Modified and Additional Material by Arthur M. Evangelista, a former FDA Investigator --
"... The US and Tata were complicit in allowing Union Carbide to evade responsibility for the world's worst industrial accident. Activists have also releas
Data Dumped by Alex Constantine Right-wing GOP fear brokers have blamed undocumented children for the domestic outbreak of the lethal enterovirus, Fox New
Artificial sweeteners found in diet soda and yoghurt, which are consumed by millions daily, can raise the blood sugar level instead of reducing it, accor
Re a signally dangerous public menace: perception-managing "trade groups" -- "... Public health advocates critical of food industry influence say the Calor
British Neo-Nazi Mark Colborne "Plotted Cyanide Attack" On Non-Aryans By Ewan Palmer IBT, July 2, 2014 A British neo-Nazi accused of terrorism offences
"We will get Roundup recalled, and we will have an impact on the chemical treadmill," said Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America. By Andrea Germanos MintPr
Also see: Pentagon Ignored Agent Orange Warnings in the 1960s "... 'The issue is that these guys died because their own government poisoned them,' she said
By Kathleen Jade, N.D. Mother Earth News, April 7, 2014 After the dangers of refined sugar became widely known in the 1980s, the American food industry
Nearly 70 years after the recruitment of Nazis by the military-industrial elite, corporate-state media can now safely "discover" facts that much-despised "
"... Dr. Donald Belsito and the contact dermatitis group at the University of Kansas reported an eyelid rash that was linked to aspartame. Since then, sev
"... Freedom was born and operated in a felonious milieu populated by old friends who seemed better suited to bartending at the Charleston-area saloons t