Gun rights activists who cite the dictator as a reason against gun control have their history dangerously wrong By Alex Seitz-Wald Salon, January 11, 2013
Henry Ford's "The International Jew" sold 11 million copies in Nazi Germany. His anti-Semitic tract was a best-seller ... and the Ford Motoc Co. is still
By Alex Constantine Excerpt from "Terror on the Right" "War does not determine who is right -- only who is left." -- Bertrand Russell IN THE BEGINNING of
" ... This book is so bad – in content and style – that it deserves a close reading, primarily because it is the type of salacious and deceptive propag
When James Whelan left Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times in 1984, he regretted his role in the growth of the ultra-con propaganda sheet, confessing: "I ha
The Japan Times, December 16, 2012 BERLIN — A German doctor and member of a Nobel Peace Prize-winning physicians' group has criticized a World Health Or
By Chris Woods
The Bureau of Investigative Reporting, November 1, 2012
The Washington Post: is it telling the whole story?
Alongside the Washington Post
By David Kolb The Muskegon Chronicle, November 26, 2012 If your intelligence isn’t insulted by the phony posturing of Republicans over the Benghazi trage
For David Mamet, Right Is Might By PIA CATTON Wall Street Journal, November 7, 2012 Playwright David Mamet had a lot to say at the Manhattan Institute's an
CIA Document #1035-960: Using politicians and the media to counter criticism of the Warren Report — This document, dated Jan. 4, 1967, and marked PSYCH f
By Ian Wilkinson Special to The Constantine Report, September 29, 2012 David Cameron tells us that he is a liberal Conservative. However, as I will prove i
By Wesley J. Smith First Things, August 17, 2012 It has been coming for some time, but the top voices in bioethics–by which I mean those who inhabit the
The National Defense Authorization Act has proposed amendments that would let the government wage a propaganda war online ... in the history of bad politic
Uploaded by DOCSAFETUBE on May 6, 2011 Operation Mockingbird was a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence domestic and foreign media be
From: The Union of Concerned Scientists Public affairs officials at federal agencies traditionally choose which research results to highlight in official