At least five people were stabbed in a riot that broke out at the state Capitol Sunday between more than 150 anarchists and “anti-fascist” protestors a
It was such a frightful torrent of abuse that it made her physically ill – sick enough that she had to retire from her job as a math teacher at Huntingt
'Change has its enemies' An old interview with a right-wing extremist connected with the JFK assassination raises new questions about the murder of the pre
Photo: A supporter of the Hungarian radical right-wing party "Jobbik" attends a rally in Budapest, Oct. 23, 2009. The words read "my honor is my loyalty."
"... 'Tonight, I received quite specific orders from the Lord Jehovah to continue his battle right until the end,' said Winkler. ... On his Facebook page,
Jeff Hall in National Socialist Movement garb from a 2009 Riverside, California demo You all remember Dan Schruender, the admitted neo-Nazi running for sc
By Nadra Kareem | August 8, 2010 A candidate running for school board in Rialto, Calif., is sparking controversy because of his past--he once ser
Edwin Black | The Cutting Edge | June 14, 2010 California eugenics has a direct link to Nazi Germany’s war of extermination against Jews and all other Eu
" ... The rocket, with its motor ignited, was discovered shortly after 10 p.m. on June 3 after firefighters responded to a fire at the Los Altos Market. .
By Daily Mail Foreign Service | 9th May 2010 Cynthia Keene and her children Brad and Ariana are members of the National Socialist Movement - a racist group
A white supremacist gang is linked to attacks on Hemet police. Experts say the region is fertile ground for such groups. Robert Faturechi and Richard Wint
Defense attorney says defendant was product of prison system. By LARRY WELBORN The Orange County Register, October 7, 2009 SANTA ANA - An Orange County p
Some immigrants are welcome to the US with open arms - Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, for instance, the Nazi officer who arrived in this country after the B