" ... The CIA ... starts to cover-up what they did to the extent of following the family, threatening the family. ...They are then evacuated back to DC wh
Also see: "GÜLEN, THE CIA, AND THE AMERICAN DEEP STATE" and "Turkish Intel Chief Exposes CIA Operations via Islamic Group in Central Asia by Sibel Edmon
Rekha Basu Des Moines Register | January 5, 2011 Over five years ago, Pakistani businessman Masood Janjua and his friend, Faisal Faraz, headed on an out-of
" ... Allegations that the US had pressured Switzerland to bury the case against the Tinners surfaced in 2008, after the Swiss government ordered 100 pages
CIA Skullduggery in Uruguay? … The Case of the Poisoned Wine "The objective would have been to prevent the toppling of a CIA political operative, Presid
" ... CIA spokesman George Little said yesterday: 'The CIA at no time had a policy or a program to protect Nazi war criminals, or to help them escape justi
By Norman Markowitz People's World | November 24 2010 While most of the U.S. and the world looked upon Nazi atrocities with horror, erecting memorials such
" ... Judge Larson ruled for the CIA on other issues, however, saying the agency's not required to testify about test subjects who withdrew their consent o
By Jeff Stein Washington Post | October 19, 2010 "I'm ready to take whatever they have to do," the former CIA officer who calls himself Ishmael Jones told
“ ... [The Tibetan mission] ultimately was stopped because as far as the guerillas were concerned the Chinese forces were so great in number that the ope
" ... Porter Goss, who now heads the Office of Congressional Ethics that charged Congresswoman Maxine Waters with ethics violations, chaired the House Inte
By Ellen Nakashima Washington Post | August 25, 2010 America has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released Wednesday
By Raw Story | April 22, 2010 (Repost) Blackwater mercenaries loaded for bear A lawyer for the former Blackwater president who has been charged with gu
Also see: "The Crucifixion of Dan Mitrione: CIA Torturer of Innocents was Tortured to Death by the Tupamaros in Retaliation" Nixon 'knew about death squad
by Chris Floyd First published in Empire Burlesque on 15 July 2010 Perhaps this is America's answer to Washington's embarrassment over the Iranian scientis
By Jesselyn Radack Government Accountability Project | June 11, 2010 According to the New York Times, Obama has already surpassed his secrecy-loving pre
Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Julian Assange Endangered By Stephen Lendman | Al-Jazeerah | June 14, 2010 More than ever under Obama, we live in a