Emails show discord in Blackwater investigation FBI agents thought some in Justice Dept. were undermining Iraqi civilian-deaths case As prosecutors put the
Days after several former Blackwater guards were found guilty of violent crimes related to the deaths of 17 Iraqi civilians, Fox News' Brian Kilmeade hos
"... A top manager at Blackwater ... openly threatened to kill a US State Department official in 2007 if he continued to investigate Blackwater’s corrup
By Stephanie Russell-Kraf Law360, New York (May 19, 2014, 5:54 PM ET) -- The U.S. and four former Blackwater Worldwide security contractors accused of ki
Blackwater Shootings: Killers Hiding Behind The Military By Tina Volpe WebProNews, March 29, 2014 On September 16, 2007, employees of military contract
From: "Patrick fallout involves FBI, Secret Service, CIA," The State, February 20, 2014: Fallout from state Rep. Andy Patrick's divorce case has attracted
June 22, 2009 Master of War: Blackwater USA’s Erik Prince and the Business of War By Suzanne Simons New York, Harper/Collins $27.99, 279 pages I approa
Did ALEC Found State Policy Network? 1991 Report Suggests So, Exposes SPN Agenda December 12, 2013 The Madison Group, the predecessor to the State Polic
Presence of US-backed private security in Afghanistan seems only to contribute to the ongoing violence. As the world media spotlight fixes to the Syria cri
June 13, 2013 Colombia's defense ministry is alarmed about an exodus of top soldiers to the United Arab Emirates to join a highly paid U.S.-led mercenary
NORFOLK - Two former Blackwater contractors have been ordered to federal prison after exhausting their appeals in the 2009 shooting death of a civilian in
Fars News Agency, December 9, 2012 TEHRAN (FNA)- The notorious Blackwater security firm plans to widen its activities in Afghanistan after the US-led for
Photo: Enrique Prado, CIA/Mafia assassin, has worked for Cofer Black, the Bush administration counter-terr0rist, and Blackwater June 27, 2012 Enrique “R