Xe (pronounced /ˈzi/, formerly Blackwater Worldwide & Blackwater USA), is a private military company founded in 1997 by Erik Prince and Al Clark. In Octob
Also see: "Knight of Malta Joseph Schmitz is a Blackwater Counsel," "The Bush Administration's Ties to Blackwater," "The Fires Last Time (Blackwater Arson
Also see: "NAZI CONNECTIONS TO 9/11 - THE SCHMITZ BROTHERS" And: And: "The Bush Administration's Ties to Blackwater"" ... Joseph Schmitz--the former Penta
Wiki entry: Jeffrey A. Taylor is the interim United States Attorney for the District of Columbia.Prior to his work in Washington, DC, Jeffrey Taylor served
Alvin Buzzy Krongard - ABC News: "In a dramatic turn of events on Capitol Hill today, the State Department inspector general recused himself from all Black
Edited by Alex Constantine Joseph E. Schmitz, appointed to the Detecon Advisory Board Domestic Nazi/DoD Inspector General Joseph Schmitz JOSEPH SCHMITZ,
Also see: "Blackwater Bloggers Plan to Hunt Down Liberals in USA"Gulf Daily Newswww.gulf-daily-news.com18th August 2008BAGHDAD: Iraq yesterday said it rese
When the Cold War ended, it didn't spell curtains for the secret agent. Private espionage is a booming industry and environmental protest groups are its pr
pogoblog.typepad.com According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Inspector General, Blackwater may have improperly received numerous co
July 7, 2008 Soldiers are being trained in US city parks and playgrounds and our law enforcement officials outdo themselves in terms of brutality, racism,
Written by Stephen Lendman 03 June 2008by Stephen LendmanIt's called "Plan Mexico," or more formally the "Merida Initiative," and here's the scheme. It'
Excerpt: Blackwater's aggressive, entrepreneurial culture keeps its business growingwww.tradingmarkets.comMay 17, 2008... As the company grows, so do its h
By Brad WilmouthNewsBustersMay 15, 2008On Wednesday's Countdown, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann's latest "Special Comment" attack on President Bush accused the
By Noah Shachtman October 31, 2007 One of the world's most notorious mercenaries may soon be overseeing all of the State Department's security convoys in
SCAPEGOATING BLACKWATER - U.S. Soldiers Commit War Crimes at One-Ninth the PriceOct 9, 2007www.localnewswatch.comNEW YORK--Private security companies in Ir
By Michael LevensonThe Boston GlobeFriday, November 2, 2007... Black - who is now Mitt Romney's chief adviser on counterterrorism and national security -
The US is finally facing up to its failures to supervise the private armies operating on its behalf in Iraq. But the problem may be worse than it admits. K