WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress wants to update a law that has protected Blackwater USA and other private security contractors in Iraq from criminal prosecuti
Blamed in the deaths of Iraqi civilians, the private security firm has long ties to the White House and prominent Republicans, including Ken Starr. By Ben
Rice apologises for US security firm shootingsEwen MacAskill in WashingtonSeptember 18, 2007The Guardian The US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, apol
Iraq revokes Blackwater's licence after shooting kills 8 civiliansBAGHDAD (AP) — The Iraqi government said Monday that it was revoking the licence of an
Related - "Dyncorp at the Border?": http://alexconstantine.blogspot.com/2007/07/dyncorp-at-border.html Monthly Review by Robert Koulish July 20, 2007 Th
Afghan Rifts; Guns For Hire by Conn Hallinan ZNet | Afghanistan, July 19, 2007 The rising tide of Afghan civilian deaths has opened a rift between the U.
Any judgments re the death of Phillip Merrill, the ultra-conservative publisher and former Ex-Im Bank president, are premature - there are circumstances in
Blackwater Employees Were Involved in Two Shooting Incidents in Past WeekBy Steve Fainaru and Saad al-IzziWashington Post Foreign ServiceMay 27, 2007; Page
MIKE BAKER, Associated Press WriterRomney campaign hires Blackwater leaderBlack worked for CIA for yearsAn executive with North Carolina-based private secu
THE SCHMITZ FAMILY TREE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_E._Schmitz Joseph Edward Schmitz is the son of the late John G. Schmitz, former California Sta