Mohammed Abdulkahar tells the story of terror raid that backfired 'I just thought: one by one they're going to kill us' Independent | 14 June 2006 At ab
THE SCHMITZ FAMILY TREE Joseph Edward Schmitz is the son of the late John G. Schmitz, former California Sta
DYNCORP's covert operations in Puerto Rico - a topic considered too hot to touch by the local press. Dyncorp, a corporation that has been accused of sex sl
Why did Lockheed hire James Comey, the deputy AG who appointed Patrick Fitzgerald to the Plame case? (One of the stories below has more information on him
By Alex Constantine The term "homeland security" is out of place in the American lexicon. It's old world. It vaguely recalls Bavarian boot leather. Whe
By Alex Constantine Richard Perle was named chairman of Rumsfeld's DPB in July 2001. The thirty-member board met regularly with the Secretary of Defense. M
By Alex ConstantineRichard Perle was named chairman of Rumsfeld's DPB in July 2001. The thirty-member board met regularly with the Secretary of Defense. Mi, August 15, 2005Top al Qaeda operative, Sakra, 'worked for the CIA'.