"... Jeb was also integral in securing a number of 'pardons' of Cubans involved in terrorist acts. A prominent example was his intervention to help release
A couple of years ago, I wrote about the ongoing problem of prosecutor misconduct, using Louisiana as the poster state to explain why even egregious misco
"... the court didn’t pause to think about corporate crime. ..." Recently, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., announced bold legislation that will limit corpor
From NDAA Resistance: If this does not provide evidence that the Federal government is corrupt beyond reform, and that is truly up to the states, cities,
In 2010, suspicions were confirmed that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie had worked for the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND). A year later, it was d
A new book by historian Daniel Stahl supplies a certain and disgraceful answer to what has long been suspected: that there was a broad coalition of people
Definition of an activist judge: "Rehnquist saw himself as a partisan. When he came to the court in 1971 (as an associate justice), he came with an agenda
By Ryan Mitchell The Epoch Times, October 4, 2012 A man shows his crude-oil covered hands near an abandoned leaking well head on April 11, 2007, in Ogon
By Anne Sewell Digital Journal, October 7, 201 Washington – Vernon Hugh Bowman, a 74-year-old soybean farmer, will have his day in court against Monsant
Nuremberg-era jurisprudence offers a compelling precedent for imposing sanctions on companies for human rights violations, as in the 'Kiobel' case before t
Also see: "Justice Scalia accepts Tea Party Caucus invite" | USA Today | December 16, 2010 New York Times | December 18, 2010 The Tea Party epitomizes the
Posted by Adele Stan Article printed from speakeasy: http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy URL to article: http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy/2010/11/15/g
"On Fox News, Citizens United president David Bossie falsely suggested that Solicitor General Elena Kagan argued in a Supreme Court case that "books could