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1) Clarence Thomas Failed to Report Wife’s $686K Heritage Foundation Income, 2) Heritage Foundation Cut Entitlement, Welfare Spending

Alex Constantine - January 26, 2011

ask heritage ad 300x215 - 1) Clarence Thomas Failed to Report Wife’s $686K Heritage Foundation Income, 2) Heritage Foundation1) Justice Thomas Accused of Failing to Report $686K in Wife’s Income

By Debra Cassens Weiss
ABA Journal | January 24, 2011

A liberal watchdog group says Justice Clarence Thomas failed to report on financial disclosure forms more than $686,000 in income his wife earned while working for the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

Common Cause analyzed the Heritage Foundation’s tax records and learned that the organization paid Thomas’ wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, $686,589 between 2003 and 2007, the Los Angeles Times reports. Common Cause also cites published reports indicating Virginia Thomas earned a salary in 2009 from the conservative group she founded, Liberty Central. Justice Thomas indicated his spouse earned no income for the years in question.

Common Cause says in a press release that the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (PDF) requires justices and other federal officials to report spousal income. The group is reporting the alleged rule violation to the U.S. Judicial Conference. ... CONTINUED

2) Heritage Foundation: Cut Entitlement, Welfare Spending

By Dan Weil
NewsMax | January 26, 2011

We must first slash entitlement spending and then wasteful welfare spending to bring the budget back into balance, says James Carafano, assistant director of The Heritage Foundation’s Institute for International Studies. ...

“Long-term unsustainable entitlement programs are the great danger to the economy. Next up: big government spending, lavishing massive amounts on discretionary programs from stimulus spending to more than 70 means-tested welfare programs. ... CONTINUED