The inside, untold story of CIA's efforts to mislead Congress -- and the people -- about torture will horrify you On March 11, 2014, California Sen. Diann
February 9, 2015 WASHINGTON — John C. Kiriakou, the first C.I.A. officer to be imprisoned for leaking classified information to a reporter, has been re
Those behind a "criminal conspiracy" that led to the torture of detainees by America's CIA, which falsely held up foiled UK terror plots as proof that the
John Kiriakou, the former CIA officer sentenced to two and a half years in prison for leaking the name of a secret agent in charge of the CIA's Bush-era
October 10 2014 I came of age in New York City overhearing older folks who’d lived through the crack era, ask a series of open-ended questions that began
BY NORMAN STOCKWELL On Sunday, Oct. 5, 1986, a young Sandinista soldier named José Fernando Canales Alemán sighted a Fairchild C-123K cargo plane in Ni
By Julian Hattem A Washington-based privacy organization is suing the CIA to obtain details about how it spied on Senate staffers. The Electronic Privac
from the good-luck-with-that dept We've been covering the pending release of the Senate Intelligence Committee's CIA torture report, which is currently
The U.S. and U.K. collaborated to snatch Khadija al-Saadi's family in Hong Kong and deliver them into the custody of a murderous dictator. BY CONOR FRIEDER
This highly informative review was posted by a reader at the Amazon website regarding Mafioso John Riccobono, who changed his name to John Roberts after hi
"I never knew in the course of all those operations any detainee to live through his interrogation. They all died. There was never any reasonable establish
As the agency strives to craft a cuddly new image, we mustn't allow it to whitewash its history of torture and murder By Owen Jones The Guardian, June 8,
The CIA, Drugs, And An Australian Killer Cop By Michael Barker "Most well-developed heroin networks very quickly move towards a complementation of inter
"... The CIA used interrogation methods that were not approved by its own headquarters or the U.S. Justice Department, impeded White House oversight and ac
Nixon’s Jackals: The Birth of a Secret Domestic CIA Death Squad Commandeered by the White House By Alex Constantine On December 22, 1974, the New York T
Also see: "ICE Investigation Targeting Drug Planes Plagued by Scandal, Court Records Show" -- NarcoNews: "An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) und