"... Jeb was also integral in securing a number of 'pardons' of Cubans involved in terrorist acts. A prominent example was his intervention to help release
In the 1960s, the agency sought to fight Communism through the students’ rights movement. There’s little reason to think its tactics have changed. Nove
"... The Soviets had found out about a plot to kill Kennedy. Fearing they would be blamed for the murder, they hired Nagell to infiltrate the plot and stop
Nixon’s Jackals: The Birth of a Secret Domestic CIA Death Squad Commandeered by the White House By Alex Constantine On December 22, 1974, the New York T
" ... The CIA propaganda effort remains exactly that -- a lie and an attempt to spread a conspiracy theory ... " CIA Miami Chief of Covert Operations Georg
General Reinhard GehlenThe sparrow-faced man in the battle uniform of an American general clambered down the steps of the U.S. Army transport plane upon i
September 17, 2013 An executive at WLRN radio station canceled an interview with a Canadian writer whose book attacks the Miami trial of five Cuban spies,
BOGOTA, Colombia -- In the latest twist on long-running allegations, Venezuelan officials Wednesday accused members of Miami’s Cuban exile community and
6-02-05 According to US government documents, Cuban exile and known terrorist Luis Posada Carriles participated in the Iran-Contra scandal, a program carri
Will We Ever Know the Truth? Stability, continuity, orderly transfer of power -- these are what civics teachers and poli-sci profs cite as the virtues of A
"... The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Departmen
1963: Dallas The Government Decides That Truth Doesn't Exist At noon, on a street in Dallas, the president of the United States is assassinated. He is hard
GAETON FONZI 1935 - 2012 Gaeton Fonzi was one of the most relentless investigators on the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970s, re
Photo: Enrique Prado, CIA/Mafia assassin, has worked for Cofer Black, the Bush administration counter-terr0rist, and Blackwater June 27, 2012 Enrique “R
Edited by Alex Constantine Also see: Cancer the Secret Weapon? Re: "Dr Mary’s Monkey: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New O
US Senators Frank Church and John Tower examine a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) poison dart gun that causes cancer and heart attacks, during the US Se
By Will Weissert (CP) EL PASO, Texas — A key prosecution witness testified Thursday that he heard a former CIA operative and anti-communist militant di
Sirhan Sirhan, CIA Spooks and Dana Rohrabacher By Matt Coker OC Weekly | March 1, 2011 Sirhan Sirhan is scheduled to go before a California parole board