AC Note: AlterNet recently attempted discredit my examination of CIA ties to the death of Bob Marley, published in a book entitled "The Covert War Against
Declassified documentation during historical trial Washington, D.C. - The National Security Archive has posted key documents on Operation Condor, presente
One of the greatest protest musicians in American history took his life 39 years ago. Driven into a deep depression by both his own demons and the demorali
Klaus Barbie was a notorious Nazi war criminal known as the "Butcher of Lyon" because of his horrific deeds in occupied France. Now new research has reveal
Related: "Operation Condor, Developed in the North to Silence the South""I couldn't make this film nine years ago," exclaimed Carla Ortiz, the producer an
"...Government contracting often goes badly — and sometimes very badly in poorer, smaller countries. On the procurement side, poor price forecasting, li
Kill the Messenger, a movie starring Jeremy Renner, just opened, about the life and death of Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Gary Webb, who committed s
"... European immigration to Argentina in the early 20th Century helped foster a sense of 'white identity' that underlies racism in Argentine society today
As the agency strives to craft a cuddly new image, we mustn't allow it to whitewash its history of torture and murder By Owen Jones The Guardian, June 8,
By David T. Rowlands GreenLeft Weekly, May 31, 2014 It was from Guatemala that Che emerged as a dedicated revolutionary. Sixty years ago, in June 1954,
Also see:
God's banker linked to Pablo Escobar A Vatican banker found hanged under Blackfriars Bridge in 1982 had previously undisclosed links to the notorious Colo
"... Ukraine was a textbook CIA coup d’état using 'color revolution' infrastructure and resources that were already in place and proven during the past