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USAID-Funded Coup Plots in Bolivia

Bolivia: US ties threatened by funding By Alex Main Green Left | July 3, 2010 When Bolivian foreign minister David Choquehuanca and US assistant Secretary

When the CONDORS Come Home to Roost

Pentagon Manhunters: America’s New Murder, Inc.? by Tom Burghardt Dissident Voice | November 23, 2009 ... Wired investigative reporter Noah Shachtman rev

War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength

" ... the man of peace has approved a military budget exceeding that of any year since the end of the Second World War while presiding over a new kind of d


Excerpt: Boycotting Big Beer - Why We Should All Shun Union-Busting Beer Companies By BENJAMIN DANGL http://www.counterpunch.org/dangl08112009.html ...

US Military to Set Up in Colombia

therealnews.com Hylton: Rest of South America has reason to be alarmed by future US military presence on Colombian bases With the hemisphere fixated on t

Mayo and Bolivia, The Fascist Link

" ... several of those who worked, and may still work as ‘security’ at the Shell compound, are high ranking members of fascist organisations. One such