By Frank Balsinger Scholars & Rogues, June 5, 2012 A week ago, Glenn Greenwald performed an excellent dissection on a New York Times articleabout Presi
“ .. We shouldn’t claim that we would have behaved better or that we would have resisted. In certain situations everyone can do or support evil things.
" ... Walker collected $12.1 million between January 2011 and mid-January 2012. Fourteen of Walker’s top 20 donors are from outside of Wisconsin. ... " S
By Steve Benen The Maddow Blog, May 8, 2012 In Washington, DC, events, rallies, and protests are exceedingly common, especially around Capitol Hill and the
By Tony Thompson The Guardian, May 12, 2012 Financier Roberto Calvi was found hanging beneath Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982. Photograph: -/AFP/Getty
By Alex Constantine (Excerpt from Virtual Government: Feral House, 1997, Revised) "A secret history of US government World War II-era operations has conc
Not the CIA, not bin Ladin -- Exxon is the toughest nut By Steve LeVine Foreign Policy, April 27, 2012 Since its birth as Standard Oil in the 19th cent
By John M. Becker Truth Wns Out, April 23, 2012 Alvin McEwen of Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters dropped a bombshell this morning: an anonymous source Officially the "Treasurer" of the Washington, DC-based Liberty Lobby, Willis Allison Carto is the group's founder and driving force. Over the grou
Conservatives against history By Jason Willick The Daily Californian, April 21, 2012 It looks like Rick Santorum — who said Monday that most of Californi
" ... The more you get to know the real Cato Institute, the more you see a rank, powerful rightwing corporate front group deeply woven into the Republican
By David Badash
The New Civil Rights Movement, April 17, 2012
Scott Lively, an invited speaker at a Tea Party rally in Boston, Massachusetts on Sunday, cal
By Noel Brinkerhoff, April 12, 2012 If four of the losing Republican presidential candidates are telling the truth, then spiritual endorsement
US Nazi Party registers 2008 National Socialist presidential candidate as Washington lobbyist, US News reports Ynet, April 14, 2012 The American Nazi Party
" ... The group’s rules forbid members from discussing it, and the media [are] barred from covering its meetings. ... Hart Williams, who has tracked Fri
By Adam Peck
Think Progress, Apr 5, 2012
PepsiCo, the world’s second largest beverage company, has ended its partnership with ALEC, the controversial rig
" ... [Chief U.S. District Judge] Cebull, of Billings, was nominated by former President George W. Bush ... " By JOHN S. ADAMS Great Falls Tribune, Feb. 29